SteamRep block | steamname: lolitics | steam3ID: [U:1:314456630] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:157228315 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What was your in-game name when you got banned? Ihs When did it happen? 4-12-2016 @ 1:36 (CEST) What's the specified reason? Nazism Why do you think you should be unbanned? Hello, I've been playing the F-o-G Jailbreak server since June 2016 or so. One day, I was playing with Uncle Lance and Ghost Rider. A guy, named pikais, came to the server, and started discussing with them. He was asking them if they knew the rules, and he said "Do you know the rules?". Uncle Lance and Ghost Rider obviously did, so they obviously said the first rule. But then, pikais replied with "No, that's not the first rule, it's no nazism". I thought that he wasn't serious, since he was acting weird and like the one who doesn't know the rules, so I tried to get fun of what he said, and I said in chat "Hail Hitler, ban me lol". Now, with my highest respects, I am very sorry for my actions so I wish to be apologized for my naiveness. - Masuka
@Uncle Lance and i didn't reported you for nothing. You totaly skipped the first rule of the FoG comunity: NO NAZISM. You said ( as you already said) "hail hitler ban me" not once, not twice but 3X. In my oppinion you shouldn't get unbanned, But @Faggot or @Fahlo is gonna give the final awnser. -Ghost Rider
Well, after all, I never said that the ban was random. And I know what I did. And I'm very sorry about that, since I freaked out when I discovered that I got banned.
Talked to the other admins and took another view at the edivence With your playtime you should know the rules(Even if it was your first connect you should know it's probably against a rule), judging from the fact that you said it 3 times it also wasn't a mistake and nazism is beyond anything fun/joke likely. Also the appeal is not really speaking for you(rather against you), so I will have to declince this appeal.. Maybe put some more effort in your next appeal and best of luck with that. Declinced