Accepted 76561198177045523 (JOHN IS REAL) & 76561198071544112 (cats please)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by Cookie Monster, Jun 26, 2015.

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  1. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: JOHN IS REAL
    | steam3ID: [U:1:216779795]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:108389897
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Tried to trusted friend scam me. So I decided to screw around with him.


    Never tell your password to anyone.
    JOHN IS REAL: hey
    Cookayy: hi
    JOHN IS REAL: how much for your unsuual hat
    Cookayy: 19 keys
    JOHN IS REAL: ok
    JOHN IS REAL: deal
    JOHN IS REAL: but can we check one thing first?
    Cookayy: check what?
    JOHN IS REAL: I wanted to make sure your hat wont appaer to be duped after traded
    Cookayy: how we check that?
    JOHN IS REAL: do you have a perosnal friend whos online atm?
    Cookayy: yes
    JOHN IS REAL: can you send the hat to him then get ti bakc after I check?
    Cookayy: cant you check history
    JOHN IS REAL: done checking history
    JOHN IS REAL: I have to make sure
    Cookayy: Okay it shows its not duped
    JOHN IS REAL: I can overpay you in pures if you want
    JOHN IS REAL: aslong as I acn check
    Cookayy: do you have an alt with keys or? as I see you are trade banned
    JOHN IS REAL: its temporary
    JOHN IS REAL: I have a perosnal seller for my pures
    Cookayy: link me to his profile plz
    JOHN IS REAL: he doesnt have main, he just sends me trade offerlnks.
    JOHN IS REAL: he's a friend irl
    Cookayy: link me to his profile though
    JOHN IS REAL: well id ont know who
    JOHN IS REAL: I just trade keys
    Cookayy: kk let me get my friend online bud
    JOHN IS REAL: okay
    Cookayy: it will be a minute
    JOHN IS REAL: ok
    Cookayy: he keep getting You have logged in from a new device. In order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unable to trade from this device for 7 days.
    JOHN IS REAL: cant you find someone else?
    Cookayy: K found one
    Cookayy: Want me to link you to him?
    JOHN IS REAL: ok
    Cookayy: Want me to link you profile to him
    JOHN IS REAL: sure
    Cookayy: so should i trade him hat
    JOHN IS REAL: ok
    JOHN IS REAL: you friends in real life?
    Cookayy: yes.
    JOHN IS REAL: really?
    Cookayy: Yes really
    JOHN IS REAL: can It est you then :p
    Cookayy: what?
    JOHN IS REAL: I wanted to know if you really are friends in real life
    Cookayy: We are though
    Cookayy: so
    JOHN IS REAL: try and ask to hold for his unuuals :p
    Cookayy: Well sorta we met up once after talking on steam so we have met but not irl friends
    JOHN IS REAL: i though you said
    JOHN IS REAL: irl
    Cookayy: We went bang bang in the back of his truck.
    Cookayy: I met him once
    JOHN IS REAL: but you trust him?
    Cookayy: yah that bang bang was good
    JOHN IS REAL: okay
    JOHN IS REAL: go on
    Cookayy: so i can give it to him now?
    JOHN IS REAL: yeah sure
    Cookayy: k i gave to him
    JOHN IS REAL: okay hold on
    JOHN IS REAL: oh wait
    JOHN IS REAL: can you get ti back first?
    Cookayy: y?
    JOHN IS REAL: i forgot to check one thing sorry
    Cookayy: what u forget to check
    JOHN IS REAL: id
    Cookayy: k im getting it back
    JOHN IS REAL: okay
    Cookayy: k i got it back
    JOHN IS REAL: okay hold on
    Cookayy: wait he need to email confirm
    JOHN IS REAL: oh okay
    Cookayy: got it back
    JOHN IS REAL: ruight
    JOHN IS REAL: okay
    JOHN IS REAL: wait
    Cookayy: kk
    Your chat with JOHN IS REAL is now a multi-user chat.
    T*oug*hso*x entered chat.
    JOHN IS REAL: okay sorry
    JOHN IS REAL: i forgot to check things
    JOHN IS REAL: can you hold it again sox please
    T*oug*hso*x: ok?
    JOHN IS REAL left chat.
    T*oug*hso*x left chat.

    Back to reg chat
    Cookayy: wait i timed out of trade
    JOHN IS REAL: what
    Cookayy: re start trade
    Cookayy: i lagged out of trade wtih him
    JOHN IS REAL: go on
    Cookayy: he is offline
    Cookayy: wait can we restart group plz
    Cookayy: idk how
    Cookayy: PLZ
    Cookayy: PLZ
    Cookayy: PLZ
    Cookayy: HELLO
    Cookayy: YOU THERE
    Cookayy: i rove u long time if u trade wit me bb

    Alt used to impersonate toughsox
    | steamname: cats please
    | steam3ID: [U:1:111278384]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:55639192
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Member

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Screenshot of it going to the real toughsox who helped me mess around

  3. Bomber Rat

    Bomber Rat Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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  4. Chride2k8 |LZ|

    Chride2k8 |LZ| Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Thank you for the report.
    Please make sure that the URL is visible when you take screenshots.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Legacy Trade Moderator).**
  5. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Both marked, couldn't find any links between those two though.
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