Accepted 76561198141939844 ( Kappa*Buying skins\keys.)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by 1nce, Jan 18, 2016.

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  1. 1nce

    1nce Member

    Aug 24, 2015
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    | steamname: 1nce
    | steam3ID: [U:1:40799416]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:20399708
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:


    | steamname: Kappa*Buying skins\keys.
    | steam3ID: [U:1:181674116]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:90837058
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:


    Added me to buy keys via Paypal. Sold him 50 keys, and he had intend to buy more. Luckly I didnt sell him more. He also had good inventory. Anyways, while he was asking to buy more keys from me, I have received refund from him. Very arrogant and impudent one...Here are last words from him, before he removed me and turned private:

    18:48 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: Hi dude so you wanna sell to me?
    19:06 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys. is now Online.
    19:31 - 1nce: Yeah but, I was sure that I will have tradable keys today. Unfortunatelly they will be tradable tomorrow, sorry for the inconvinience. Hope that is fine, if I sell you tomorrow
    19:37 - 1nce: dude
    19:38 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: Yea
    19:38 - 1nce: a fkcn refund?
    19:38 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: Wut?
    19:39 - 1nce: Maya Darel?
    19:39 - 1nce: your account correct?
    19:39 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: What do you want?
    19:39 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: wtf
    19:39 - 1nce: what I want?
    19:39 - 1nce: just got email about refund from you
    19:40 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: let me check it lol
    19:40 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: u sure its me
    19:40 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: wtf
    19:40 - 1nce: Maya Darel
    19:40 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: i didnt touch my paypal
    19:40 - 1nce: if that is you, then yeah
    19:40 - 1nce: if not sorry for inconvinience
    19:42 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: Wait i need to check it out its have to be a mistkae
    19:44 - 1nce: so is Maya Darel your account?
    19:44 - 1nce: I will find that out just that I am in game
    19:44 - 1nce: And also I must warn
    19:44 - 1nce: that I had similiar situation
    19:44 - 1nce: no funds were removed
    19:44 - 1nce: and use that issued refund, was banned
    19:47 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: I need to talk with my wife its her account i paid you from there give me couple of minutes
    19:52 - 1nce: well do that please asap, because so far all this earn you a ban
    19:58 - 1nce: So?
    19:59 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: Wait shes not at home atm i try to call her.
    20:00 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys.: Calm down we will see what happend there
    19:59 - 1nce: Time now works against you bro
    20:00 - 1nce: I am calm, because I know how this gonna end
    20:00 - 1nce: it is you who should worry now
    20:01 - 1nce: 1 hour bro
    20:10 - Kappa*Buying skins\keys. is now Offline.
    Original purchase evidence below


    Email from scammer
    00033 PP 76561198141939844 (-50 CSGO) -4 email.png

    Steam profile in browser <=> Chat 1 of 3
    00033 PP 76561198141939844 (-50 CSGO) -1 fog.png

    Inventory history <=> Chat 2 of 3

    Steamrep profile <=> Chat 3 of 3
    00033 PP 76561198141939844 (-50 CSGO) -3 fog.png

    Paypal history and refund displayed ( I know you require last months overview, but there gonna be lot of pages of that + screens are from the day deal took place till now. Will provide all necessary info upon request ofc, just warning )
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2016
  2. Someone

    Someone Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Thank you for the report.

    A Full tag will be applied for PayPal chargeback scamming.

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  3. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas Senior Trade Moderator

    Jun 29, 2014
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