Accepted 76561198117439532 (The IlluminΔti | ✔)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by Walrus, Apr 24, 2016.

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  1. Walrus

    Walrus Member

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: Walrus
    | steam3ID: [U:1:87388693]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43694346
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    | steamname: The IlluminΔti | ✔
    | steam3ID: [U:1:157173804]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:78586902
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Screenshots of chat are attached
    Description: The guy saw my tf2outpost post and added me. I was looking for paypal for my Morning Glory Honchos Headgear and he offered $150. I asked for $155 and he said if i added a little more he could pay more. Eventually we agreed upon $161 for my honchos, a specialized killstreak genuine sharp dresser and 10 refined. I wanted him to go first but he wasnt comfortable and he had sent me his rep link before. I talked to a few people he had recently traded with and they all confirmed he was a reliable trader. I agreed to sent the items first (big mistake) and he said "okay, sending". I confirmed the item trade and then he never paid the paypal money. Within minutes i saw him trade the hat to a bot and he won a pot after that.

    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Hi
    Walrus: hello
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: First of all, thanks for accepting the friend request
    Walrus: yeah of course
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: i'm intrested in the MG Honchos
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Lookin forward to pay in cash,
    The IlluminΔti | ✔:
    Walrus: cool cool, whats your offer?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: I'll do $150.0 if you're intrested
    Walrus: hmm, could you do 155?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: I'll do 155 if you throw in some
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: how about that?
    Walrus: if you did 160 id throw in a genuine spec killstreak sharp dresser
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Yeah, that'll do
    Walrus: sounds good
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: kk cool
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: send me a trade?
    Walrus: you paying through paypal?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: ya
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: email's [email protected]
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: send me a request
    Walrus: my paypal email is [email protected]
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: kk or i'll just pay it , ya
    Walrus: yeah just paying works easier haha
    Walrus: so im doing items first then money?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: yeah guess so
    Walrus: since you only have a couple rep, would be comfortable doing money then items?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Ehh, dunno about that, really
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: it'd be better for me to do items then money
    Walrus: okay, if something goes wrong in the transaction, youll trade me back the items?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Sure
    Walrus: okay send me a trade
    You have accepted the trade request from The IlluminΔti | ✔.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: can you throw in some refs btw?
    Walrus: how many?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Like 7 or 8
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: That'll do if you're comfortable with it?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: that do for you?
    Walrus: i mean this is mainly for the hat and the sharp dresser, what are the refs for
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Oh, i mean, i just needed few
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: I can add onto the payment if you want
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: 12 refs and i'll add a dollar?
    Walrus: ill do 10 for a dollar
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: yeah, that'll do, 10
    Walrus: okay sounds good
    Walrus: theres 10
    Walrus: and you have my paypal emial?
    Walrus: *email
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: kk that'd be $156.0
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Ya
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: [email protected]
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Double check
    Walrus: well 161, you said 160 for the sharpdresser add
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: Shit yeah
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: kk
    Walrus: okay i confirmed
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: kk
    The IlluminΔti | ✔: sending
    Walrus: has it sent?
    Walrus: hello?
    Walrus: ?
    Walrus: are you still there
    Walrus: sir please respond
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    Walrus: please man
    Walrus: respond
    Walrus: or i will have to report you
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    Walrus: hello
    Walrus: sir please respond
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    Walrus: hello
    Walrus: i dont know if your computer crashed or something but please respond
    Walrus: ?
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    Walrus: i just saw the items appear in your inventory
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    The IlluminΔti | ✔ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to The IlluminΔti | ✔ if they invite you to trade.
    Walrus: one last time are you there

    Attached Files:

  2. Someone

    Someone Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Thank you for the report.

    A Full tag will be applied to the Accused for PayPal scamming.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Legacy Trade Moderator).**
  3. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Steam SteamRep
    Banned, sorry for the delay.
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