Accepted 76561198028469537 WhySoJoost

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by ohEmin, May 28, 2014.

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  1. ohEmin

    ohEmin Member

    May 28, 2014
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    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: ohEmin
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:61353546
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    | steamname: WhySoJoost
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:34101904
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Screenshots :
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Description : -Sorry for the long story but I wanted to be as specific as I could. Also, please note that this was a report that I submitted about 8 months ago. I also want to ask the Steamrep admins to close the reports that I submitted in the past for the same guy.-

    So I was in this pubmatch and saw a guy named 'WhySoJoost' I saw that he had a Bounty Hat and some Summer Shades. I was kinda interested in those items so I traded him, asking what he wanted for them. At first he didn't want to trade since he knew that those items weren't tradable. I told him that I could provide gift wrap which makes untradable items, tradable. So he agreed. He wanted to see some of my hats and stranges, so I showed him a lot of hats and a couple stranges. He wanted 2 hats + a strange force 'a nature (which was very weird). I was okay with that, I told him that I would message him as soon as I got the gift wrap. He kept asking me if I could give him the items up front. A day or two later I bought 2 gift wraps on I messaged him saying that I got the gift wrap and we could trade (see screenshot). So we traded and I told him that I trusted him and I gave him the 2 gift wraps. He would gift his summer shades + bounty hat to me. After he gifted them I would give him his stuff. And can guess what happened...'WhySoJoost went offline' (he deleted me from his friends list after I gave him the 2 gift wraps)...and my gift wraps were gone...he never gave me the Summer Shades or the Bounty hat. I instantly reported him on Steam and also decided to add some of his online friends in the hope that they could help me. So today (a day after the scam) one of his friends accepted my friend request his name is 'MexicanMonkey'. I'm Dutch and the chats with him and WhySoJoost are also in Dutch. So I sent 'MexicanMonkey' a message saying that WhySoJoost scammed me and I asked if he could maybe help me. He was okay with that and he messaged 'WhySoJoost'. He told me that 'WhySoJoost' still wanted to make the trade and that he would add me on steam. He also told me that 'WhySoJoost' wanted to teach me a lesson to not trust people on the internet and that that was the reason why he scammed me -Well this not the smartest and not the right way to teach someone a lesson- . So I accepted his trade request and told him that I still wanted to make the deal OR I wanted my wraps back. He traded me saying that he wrapped the summer shades and bounty hat... So I hovered over the items in the trade (see screenshot) and they did not contain the items that we agreed. HE WASTED MY WRAP, I did not take the items. I cancelled the trade. In the chat he admitted that he scammed me to teach me a lesson and that it was my own fault, he told me that I was not the first one that he scammed (see chat). Then he told me that I deserved to get scammed because this was the internet...and that he wasn't going to get banned because the people he scammed shouted things like that all the time to him... He also gifted or deleted those 2 wrapped items to someone else because they are not in his inventory anymore...I trusted the guy and I really did not expect to get scammed...And now I'm left with a loss of 2 giftwraps.

    This is my ENGLISH chat with 'WhySoJoost' 23rd of August
    This is my DUTCH chat with 'WhySoJoost' (hope you guys have a Dutch admin or something) 24th of August

    Attached Files:

  2. Ninja Otter

    Ninja Otter Cunt Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I've uploaded the other 2 screenshots for you. scam1.png scam2.png
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
  3. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Updated 1st post & forwarded to SR.
  4. SynchronizedMurders [FoG]

    SynchronizedMurders [FoG] Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Why do these people exist. Really
  5. Jozan

    Jozan Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    We'll never know, Synch.
  6. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Accepted by SteamRep, Locked.
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