Archived 76561198019295314 (Hailfire Bijou)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by Ulysses, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. Ulysses

    Ulysses Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    Trade Agreement Scam

    | steamname: Hailfire Bijou
    | steam3ID: [U:1:59029586]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:29514793
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    | steamname: Shit Team Syndrome
    | steam3ID: [U:1:78994656]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:39497328
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    What Happened?

    I was on a random Team Fortress 2 Valve server and I was frustrated with my team. The accused began to respond to this by mocking me, and so I told him that his Unusual Hats were bad in an attempt to prevent him from further antagonizing me. This did not work. Hailfire instead, accused me of being jealous and mentioned that I could not afford Unusual hats of my own. I decided to introduce Hailfire with a wager. The wager was that if I had owned a TF2 item worth more than his entire current TF2 backpack value, then he would be required to give me a key. Hailfire agreed, and I told him that I owned a Burning Flames Crone's Dome. He initially decided to go against his agreement by refusing to pay me - in doing so, Hailfire committed a Trade Agreement Scam. It was then that I decided to construct this report.

    Before submitting the above, along with evidence, I added the accused to give him a final chance and to fully inform him of potential repercussions of his decision. It took a deal of unnecessary effort on my part to convince the accused that he would be better off if he paid what was owed to me. Before I conveyed irrefutable proof that I owned the item, the accused stated: Hailfire Bijou: "I'm not paying you a key just because you're blackmailing me into doing something I never agreed to. If you can show me that item you supposedly had once before I will give you two keys" . It is important to consider that the accused at this stage denied I owned the item, but still introduced this amendment - the debt of two keys upon proof of having had owned the said item. It is clear his is referring to proof of having had previously owned the item, because he says "you supposedly had once before". I provided numerous opportunities for the accused to rescind his decision and to prevent the situation from being reported here. He has, for the majority of the process, been uncooperative and rude in his derogatory statements towards myself. Therefore, I request the accused pay the debt that, he himself, stipulated by his own amendment - the sum of two keys to clear his Trade Agreement Scam.


    In-Game Screenshots:

    Steam Chat Screenshots:
  2. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Moved to the correct section.
  3. Hailfire Bijou

    Hailfire Bijou Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Add me to discuss, the above user was deliberately spinning words in an attempt to blackmail me into giving him keys because I called him out for complaining that his team was bad constantly in the chat.

    As can be seen in the photos:

    In game

    1. At the time I did not see what he said to me in this photo (see photo 2 for evidence with me asking 'What was the bet?'
    2. See above
    3. Player says if he owned a more expensive TF2 item in his right now that I have to give him a key. I checked his current backpack and he did not own anything.
    4. I say sure after confirming he does not own any item valuable.

    Steam photos:

    1. As can be seen on the bottom of the page, I told him that if he could show me the item in his backpack right now I would give him two keys. The item was not in his current backpack. you can also see where he is blackmailing me by linking a previous player he had successfully reported.
    2. As can be seen in the middle, I restate that if he can show me the item in his current backpack that I will give him two keys. He later spins this in his favour by just saying that 'all he had to do was provide proof that he owned it once'.
    3. I decide that I will give him the key that he 'earned' by at least showing me proof of the fact he owned the item. Despite that fact that he deliberately misled me and span words to make things look how he wanted, I thought that if I just paid him what he thought he was entitled to that he would go on his way. Unfortunately he now decides he is owed 2 keys (see above).
    4. Obviously hellbent on wanting to get me banned rather than actually wanted any keys out of it, I grow tired of the fact he is arguing over the way certain words were used as if we held some kind of contract. I still offer him one key just to leave me alone but he is stubborn and goes ahead and submits a report.

    I do not appreciate the way this person was blackmailing me and deliberately baiting me into saying/doing certain things just so he could set up evidence against me and use it. The fact he took screenshots all the way from the beginning proves his intentions of just wanting to get me banned for calling him out on flaming his teammates.

    Please also note that he did not offer me any sort of item or 'his side of the bet' if he was indeed proved wrong. As he did not offer me any sort of items from the start of the 'bet' on the off chance that I was to win, there can be no scam here as he was never going to trade or lose anything in the first place. This is simply a player that bullies others into doing what he wants otherwise he will use the system that he knows to his advantage to try and get players blocked for no good reason.
  4. Enstage

    Enstage Senior Trade Moderator

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Setting this report as Ready for Review.

    @Hailfire Bijou , I'm sure that demo recording you have would help your case.

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    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  5. Ulysses

    Ulysses Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    It is simply untrue to think I am blackmailing you, I would not waste either the admins, mods or my time with a case that hinged or was weighted by whether or not I was. The honest truth of the matter is that you really did commit a trade agreement scam, you did so because you agreed to a request by me and did not fulfil it. You had every right to ask for something in return, but you chose not to ask for anything and you most certainly agreed to the deal without any coercion other than your own pride. It is ironic that you say you called me out, when it was you making personal jibes about my quality of life and then when it backfired, you chose not to take any responsibility. Accusing me of being a conniving wordsmith when your very own credibility is under question, seems fairly ludicrous to me. I am simply holding you accountable for the very things you say, and why would I be benevolent to someone as rude and disrespectful as yourself. There is a place for clemency, and it is for those who make genuine mistakes.
    I was fairly comfortable creating that wager because there are not many people that I come across on TF2 that have been as successful as I have been during my trading career. Your rather arrogant and disrespectful behaviour is the real price of what you are paying for and I really do feel justified in being owed those keys. You asked for proof that I owned the item some time ago, and I provided it when you were still at the state of mind in disbelieving whether I owned the item or not. Having seen your cosmetics, I made a simple inductive inference that you did not have more than I had owned. When someone says that they have owned an item worth more than your entire current backpack value, which should possibly warn you that you might come unstuck. You were informed and had full knowledge of what you were doing when you accepted the deal.
    In reference to your point 3. It is certainly interesting that you make me out to be a wordsmith, but if you follow the way that I said those things, it is quite easy to see that I was referring to your backpack with “right now” and not my own. It would not make much sense from me to have made such a bet by saying that, as I have cashed out anything of value from my backpack. As I state twice, the only instances where I discussed anything about the wager, I said owned. If you do not understand what that word means, then perhaps you should not have bene so arrogant and disrespectful to me.
    I am really unsure as to how you think I am spinning your words when you say something like this, “If you can show me that item you supposedly had once before I will give you two keys.” In this same section you say I misled you, and that you thought I would go away if you paid me. But, at this very stage, you still denied that I owned the item – simply looking at the page where you said that, and then down more passages to where I supply the irrefutable evidence (the backpack link since you refuted tf2outpost as a source). At this stage, you had zero intention of paying me the key. Therefore, this makes no sense: “I thought that if I just paid him what he thought he was entitled to that he would go on his way.”
    You are completely wrong when you say that I was ‘hellbent’ on wanting you banned. There are numerous examples of me having given you a chance to pay your debt, I even added you discuss the problem without reporting you first and leaving the task to admins and moderators. These acts of clemency, given the circumstance, are actually the opposite of being ‘hellbent’ on banning you. Do I think you should be marked? Yes, because you broke a trade agreement. It is as simple as that, there is no moustache twiddling being done. It is quite common to take screenshots when bets are made, myself and others do this as second nature, in spy crabs for example. And I would certainly use what you said in steam chat and in-game, because otherwise I have no evidence to make my case…
    I guessed I would win, it is just rationally more likely that I would have because Burning Crone’s Domes are backpack valued at 2000-2700 keys. I just want you to know that I did this because of the way you acted towards me. There would be no case right now, if you had not attempted to flaunt your own cosmetics and disrespect me. I am not bullying you, I have not even used curse words against you. I have not committed ad hominem against you. I have not called you, specifically, anything at all other than arrogant and disrespectful, and that goes for in-game as well until you decided to infer things about my financial situations. And as fair as my knowledge and manipulation of the system goes, I believe in justice and today I have been wronged by you. I leave the decision as to whether or not you owe me 2 keys to the admins and moderators, because they are the impartial judge and jury.
  6. Hailfire Bijou

    Hailfire Bijou Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Mate this is blatant bullying and you cannot deny it. You were disrespecting your team who was doing nothing wrong, then you attempted to antagonise me by saying my sets looked 'disgusting'.

    Then you deliberately used your knowledge of steamrep etc. to set something up so you would 'win' over me.

    If it makes you feel amazing, I legitimately feel both scared and sick that someone was able to manipulate me like this just to prove a point. No one online has made me feel like that in years so congratulations to you I guess.

    You're so hung up on your words and everything. I was in the middle of playing a game for the majority of this and I was not paying attention to every intricate detail you told me as I did not expect anyone would be able to actually do what you are doing.

    This is nothing like spycrabbing or anything. You did not offer me an item in exchange if you had of lost. In game I asked what happens if I win multiple times and you did not answer me, instead you kept pushing me into going along with it. I bet you don't have a screenshot of this.

    If the admins here believe I owe you two keys I will pay it to avoid a ban, but the above evidence in my opinion shows that the condition for such was that you could have the item inside of our current backpack within the hour.

    Try to wordsmith it as you like, but before I told you of the 'amendment' you cannot deny that I made the same amendment in different words two times prior to that of which you didn't accept.

    Then when it became convenient to you, you picked apart my words just to make a point. I stand by the fact that I only agreed to pay you 2 keys IF you could have the item in your own backpack within an hour. If the admins don't agree with me then congratulations, you won I guess.

    Despite the fact you've done this to me and you've honestly and legitimately upset me in real life, the way you conduct yourself in game is disgusting and you need to take a good hard look at yourself. You're obviously an adult and it's seriously sad that you feel the need to ruin the experience for others. The world does not revolve around you.

    I hope that the admins are able to see that what you are doing is just exploiting a system in your favour against someone who didn't know any better, but if they ask me to pay up then I guess you're right and you should absolutely do the same thing to other players in order to trap and blackmail them.
  7. Debra

    Debra Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
    "an insurance scam"
    synonyms: fraud, swindle, fraudulent scheme, racket, trick; More
    "a guy that scams the elderly out of their savings"
    synonyms: swindle, cheat, deceive, trick, dupe, hoodwink, double-cross, gull; More

    wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
    "he was convicted of fraud"
    synonyms: fraudulence, cheating, swindling, embezzlement, deceit, deception, double-dealing, chicanery, sharp practice; More
    a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.
    "mediums exposed as tricksters and frauds"
    synonyms: impostor, fake, sham, charlatan, quack, mountebank; More

    Let me google that for you

    That ain't even a scam even if he didn't give you your key, all he did was shittalk you in a Valve pub. At no point was he obligated to give you a key, there was nothing in it for him. If someone shittalking you on a game gets you this pissed you need help.
  8. Enstage

    Enstage Senior Trade Moderator

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Please keep conversation on topic. I will delete posts not directly relating to this report.
  9. Ninja Otter

    Ninja Otter Cunt Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  10. Ulysses

    Ulysses Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    I did complain about my team as I have stated initially in this report, it is not new information to be brought back into this discussion. I was not talking to you and had no reason to, as you were not on my team before you began to respond to what I was saying. I did talk about your cosmetics and only your cosmetics when I said things like disgusting, I made no mention of anything related to your personal life and also did not stoop to calling you names and what not; which you and your buddies in-game did. Instigating the antagonism against me was your mistake, I did not start anything with you as I had not directed anything towards you before you began that process.
    My knowledge and understanding of SR and FOG really is not something grand. Someone wrongs me in an incriminating way, I will report it; just like every other person familiar with SR and reports process. I feel I have already covered how I am not manipulating you, and your appeals as an authority regarding the nature of people are fallacious; not to mention your frequent reliance of ad hominem. These intricate details you continuously mention, like somehow what I said was a masterpiece of contractual brilliance… What I said was fairly simplistic, and you agreed to it. For simplicities sake, these types of ‘contracts’ are merely involving an agreement between two parties – I put forward a proposition to you and you agreed to it. It is irrelevant whether or not I stipulated what I would lose and what you would gain in such an arrangement, having done so would create entirely different agreement. However, it is implicit that said reward would be in it for you, and I would guess that intuition is why you agreed to our deal without discussing what you may gain from it. Moreover, calling it deceitful to make a bet that I think I would win, seems fairly contradictory to the whole point of gambling; in my opinion, there is no point in gambling if it is unlikely to bring about success. However, you are right in pointing out the fallacious nature of my analogous argument between our case and spy crabbing, they are not the same things. But, they employ similar principles, agreements made between two parties. Moreover, I used spy crabbing as an example in establishing why I find a need to take appropriate precautions before specific situations. These precautions are not uncharacteristic from me, and they are especially not unique utilised against you.
    “In game I asked what happens if I win multiple times and you did not answer me, instead you kept pushing me into going along with it. I bet you don’t have a screenshot of this.” This is interesting. Firstly, it is completely false because had you actually asked it and I stipulated what you would gain, I would have still, in all likelihood, won. Secondly, I did not coerce you into accepting the deal that you continuously support as an agreement but then deny as an agreement so long as it is advantageous to whatever argument you are making. The conditions I put forward to you were by no means forced upon you, there was an appropriate amount of time to reject the deal. Instead of rejecting the deal, you had asked again what the conditions were. This is not coercion Hailfire. Thirdly, you bet that I do not have screenshots of this, implicitly referring to me not being able to prove my innocence against what you have said. Therefore, I ask you to supply the evidence of these things you have accused me of doing because I know they do not exist.
    If you made any conditions previous to the one I accepted, they would be moot for I had accepted the latest version of what you put forward. At the time you began to introduce the new agreement, you were using it as a means to escape the current obligations you were under. The words you chose to use during this stage, and the ones I agreed to, are your own fault. They are not the fault of mine, or anyone else for that matter. There was no picking apart of your words, I took the entirety of what you said and agreed to it. I did this because the conditions you asked for were ones I could achieve, and I would in turn gain an additional key for that. That seems like a fairly logical thing to do, and I would enjoy doing that to someone who calls me a ‘retard’ or a ‘fuckwit’ (etc.).
    I could not care less whether you are upset in real life. Had you not been rude or disrespectful, you would not be in the situation you are in. But, it is hypocritical to say I should take a good hard look at myself. The way I see it, the only experience I am ruining for someone, is the experience of a user that decides he is righteous in calling other people in the game ‘retarded’, a ‘fuckwit’ and using a group of people to go against one person. The world does not revolve around me, but this case revolves around us.
    I am not exploiting the system in my favour, I am justifiably using it to check the behaviour of an individual who commits trade agreement scams. This would not work on someone innocent. Your own actions, an equal measure of arrogance, pride, disrespect, immaturity, and infantilism were the cause of your predicament; I am one person, arbitrarily selected, putting you before the rule of law.
  11. Enstage

    Enstage Senior Trade Moderator

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Thread locked.

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  12. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  13. Enstage

    Enstage Senior Trade Moderator

    Feb 15, 2015
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    The accused attempted to make a payment of 1 key in this case, which was refused. There's no reason to tag the accused, archived.
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