Archived 76561198014610344 (Buwa)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by Platinum, Mar 16, 2015.

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  1. Platinum

    Platinum Member

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: Buwa
    | steam3ID: [U:1:54344616]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:27172308
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    | steamname: Karmas | QS>5 Unusuals
    | steam3ID: [U:1:36669321]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:18334660
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Red moments: hey karmas i saw your post on outpost
    Red moments: i mean sourceop lol
    Red moments is now Away.
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Hey
    Red moments: hi remember me?
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: A little bit yah
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: How can I help you?
    Red moments: i saw your post on sourceop and want to buy some buds
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: np
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: do you have sop rep?
    Red moments: i do
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Link me please
    Red moments: sure
    Red moments:
    Red moments: recently brought many stuffs
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Yep np
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: How many buds are you interested at?
    Red moments: i want to buy 3 only
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: I see
    Red moments: you have enough?
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Is your PP verified?
    Red moments: it is
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Yes I have 11 left
    Red moments: of course
    Red moments: i have enough money for 3
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Alright uhm
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Do you know how to calculate the fees?
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: like
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: 100% + fee
    Red moments: hmmm sec i think i have a website that calcaute it :)
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Aight
    Red moments: do you have any rep
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: I got a new sop rep thread
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Sold a known dude my blizz lucha + 1
    Red moments: which country your from
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Israel
    Red moments: so that i can count the fees
    Red moments: you christian?
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Nope :P
    Red moments: just a random question haha
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Yeah xD
    Red moments: is jewish and christian same?
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: I'ma have to brb for 2 minutes
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: No, I'm jewish, it's a bit different :D
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: 2 mins and I'll be here
    Red moments: okay take your time\
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Back, sorry
    Red moments: sec whats the total price
    Red moments: of 3
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: 106.5
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: w/o fees
    Red moments: hmmm wait i go check
    Red moments: got it
    Red moments: the fees is 4.42 usd
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Alright then
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Do you mind going first?
    Red moments: no sir . i have more reps than you
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Truth
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: To be honest, I would suggest myself to go first a few mins ago
    Red moments: and you just started using sourceop only
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: But the pes 13 guy made me suspect a bit :/
    Red moments: which ?
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: What exactly happend in there?
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: the PES 13 dude
    Red moments: the fokus?
    Red moments: fozkje
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Idk exactly, steamrep seems not to be working atm
    Red moments: well he ruin my rep . because i told him to buy pes 13 for me and we almost trade but he went offline for 2 hours
    Red moments: so i buy it off from another trader
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: I see
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Ahm, could I have your pp email?
    Red moments: [email protected]
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Okay then
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Are you ready?
    Red moments: ready when you are
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: alright
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: my pp email is : [email protected]
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: and when it's your turn, i want you to write
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Payment will be sent as a gift via Paypal, with the title being "TF2 Buds Purchase" and the message "This is a purchase by (your steam name here) for (number of) earbuds. These are virtual goods, and I agree that I will not charge back this payment or dispute it under any circumstances."
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Alright?
    Red moments: no problem at all
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: k
    Red moments has accepted your request to trade.
    Red moments: sec....
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Dude?
    Red moments: am sending
    Red moments has changed their name to NaughtyG.
    Karmas | S>15 Unusuals: Dude???
    NaughtyG is now Offline.
    NaughtyG is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Self admitted with the intent to scam:

    Lying about scamming the user:

    Attached Files:

  2. Platinum

    Platinum Member

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Any info needed?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
  3. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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  4. Platinum

    Platinum Member

    Mar 4, 2015
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  5. Ninja Otter

    Ninja Otter Cunt Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I'll leave this open for a week, if you can't get into contact with him I'll archive this.
  6. Ninja Otter

    Ninja Otter Cunt Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Been more than a week. Archiving.
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