Archived 76561198073062050 (harsheldon)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by Platinum, Mar 4, 2015.

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  1. Platinum

    Platinum Member

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: harsheldon
    | steam3ID: [U:1:112796322]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:56398161
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Traded with:
    | steamname: Ethika~ #selling bp Via amazon
    | steam3ID: [U:1:210619635]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:105309817
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    TF2 Outpost / User / harsheldon

    TF2 Outpost / Item
    TF2 Outpost / Item
  2. Bomber Rat

    Bomber Rat Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Should only be enough for a caution as the trade was only like 50 buds, should be treated like Karchen's report.
  3. ForteSP

    ForteSP Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    He was already given a warning by outpost. I'd like this report to be archived. Additionally the user was active on outpost and not banned from outpost.

    A caution or tag of any sort would be unfitting here.
  4. harsheldon #bday in 2days

    harsheldon #bday in 2days Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    Allow me to address this,

    First off, i have been trading for almost 2 years, 0 trades with scammers, i actively report alts i find (check my 100+ tickets to outpost staff) as i find them.

    Trading with an obvious scammer alt:

    TF2 Outpost / Item
    TF2 Outpost / Item

    This is your only warning, any further offense of this kind will result in a permaban.

    Official warning already received from outpost^

    On a daily basis, whenever I trade, I do two things before I trade:

    - Check the users TF2Outpost page

    o And subsequently I click the steamrep page.

    - And check the users for any bans on their side.
    - This user was premium, which further made me believe he was a legit trader.

    If the massive Pop Up (DO NOT TRADE WITH THIS USER) doesn’t show up, and he is not banned on outpost for a trade related offense, or I will proceed with a trade, unless ofcourse, he has a private profile no hours or close to none in game but lots of items

    The “obvious scammer alt” in question here, has:

    - Been using outpost actively for a month

    - Has traded with 50+ Users

    As can be seen in my forum post here: Status Updates - forums

    A friend community of SteamREP,, site moderator specifically states:

    “lol but that alt wasn't that obvious and was actively trading 1 month on outpost or so and traded like 50 other people as well. uh”


    sirploko states:

    We go by the SR guideline when it comes to identifying obvious alts.

    Since we don't actively 'hunt' for those accounts, we are depending on users to report the accounts to us. Just because someone is not banned or tagged yet, does not make them safe to trade with. The account in questiopn was created on Dec 29th 2014, has one paid game (99 cents) besides TF2, no hours in any of the other games and fulfills 4 out of the 5 points...

    - A) Low Hours of TF2/DotA

    o There are many people in this community that are in it just for the $$

    - For Example:

    o Off the top of my head, as I no long have access to outpost, he has been selling a GBH KE from his account, that, is a lot of value, he has 64 hours in tf2. I added him to talk about this a while ago and he said he bought it off the steam market.

    o I’m not going against SteamREP’s guidelines however, exceptions always come up, if you guys see anything suspicious, you have the authority to ban for under investigation

    - B) New Steam Start Date

    o I admit to not checking the steam start date, as I already checked for Outpost and SteamREP bans.

    - C) Private Backpack

    o The users backpack was not private and I would never trade with a private backpack user.

    - D) Quickselling Fresh Items

    o I looked at his trades, and I am positive he was not quickselling anything. I also saw some trades that said it was a gift from his friend, as he was using outpost constantly for 1 month + ; i did not hold the "gift from friend" against him.

    o In addition to this, he was very attached to his items and new exactly what he wanted to keep, and what he didn’t.

    o He did not rush a trade with me, we discussed over a period well over an hour, when he finally sent me a trade offer, and I accepted.

    - E) Nearly Empty Game Backpack

    o He didn’t have an empty backpack,

    § Unfortunately did not index his backpack when I had added him to talk, he had australiums, and seemed attached to it, as in, he said, “Make me an offer, but my Australium Rocket and 1 bud is not up for trade”

    If you take a look at total reports on the site, I should have well over 100, EVERYTIME I see an obvious alt, I report it, I see no place for scammer alts in the community, this user, on the other hand, was not obvious, he had been actively using outpost for over a month, has opened upward of 70 trades created on outpost, has probably traded with 50 (+-) users.

    These 50 (+-) users, surely, one of them would have seen an obvious scammer alt? and once they saw it, surely they would report it. My point is, many many users traded with him and suspected nothing, just like me.

    Due to SteamRep’s huge backlog, I have lost hope in them slightly, and have moved on to checking TF2Outpost for the reliability of a user, this is precisely what I did in this case, I saw no bans and therefore continued with a trade.

    To sum it up, in my opinion the alt was not “super obvious” this is because, I am aware of how good you guys are at catching alts, he was actively using outpost for 1 month , 70 + trades, many posts, etc. Usually, he would be banned way before, and I would never have traded with him.

    I don't think its fair to give me a caution tag especially taking into account how I have never made a mistake before. Mistakes happen, if you are going to start giving out SteamREP Caution tags for single trades even after seeing how the user is obviously meaning no harm to the community, there's something wrong. From what I know, Steamrep stands up AGAINST Scammers and USERS who SUPPORT Scammers, i am neither.
  5. Bomber Rat

    Bomber Rat Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    changed my mind after you mde a good argument, i ont believe there is enough for any tag to be applied here
  6. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Archiving this.
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