As suggested in this thread, I have done some changes to the AP system and hats plugin. The changes are as follows: - The buy menu now displays the amount of AP required to purchase this effect/color (sth. like: [150 AP] Green Confetti) - Added new refund function. To refund an item, either open the !benefits menu > Hat menu > Refund item(s) or type !refund in chat. There, you can choose between refunding an effect or a color (latter ones are currently disabled). After selecting an item, all hats that have that item assigned will be reset, the effect/color deleted and the AP credited back to your account. Note: each refund deducts 25% of the original buying price. - Code clean up / refactoring: mainly internal, now fully uses the SM Transitional syntax whenever possible. - Updated AP to add method for refunding credits. These changes may take a map change or server restart to become fully active. ------------------------------ Updated 17/09/2016 - Fixed an exploit related to refunding, allowing you to farm unlimited AP - Internal: changed the way how a user's hats are stored - Internal: the plugin no longer holds all hat settings from all players in it cache, but rather queries a single player's ones when they join.