Im going by bitskins price, never by steam market.
An icarus is $102 in lounge, double, lotto and other sites according to bitskins etc. A default bowie knife is $130
Ill sure try, i have two siblings who cancelled the offer becuase they thought i was trading and then added it to fucking csgoegg and lost it! Ill...
No never mind, the icarus was taken out of my account because i have relatives who dont know howto live their lifes, now i wait again to get this... Refunded
So the next time i got spare $100 ill send it to the rude user. Sure thing, and i will be un-banned yes?
This guy obviously hasn't read a single thing,, and must be slightly mentally ill. Is there a deadline for refunding? If so i want to make it the...
I couldnt care less towards been marked, its not effecting my reputation, website, bots or any other areas in my steam and community. I wouldnt...
Not using my storage on saving your link 'bud'. Should've kept me added. Ill be sure to refund you and note to steambotmarket and other areas for...
Well thats fucking brilliant, just to inform you super mods, the user accepted me, said "Heres my trade url: [url]" and deleted me. Im not sure...
But i've already the product he payed for. I can only provide refund with the object he bought, not the items. He has every right to ask, but i...
Ok, so hes added me. And since i added him, hes being highly rude. I stated i can provide a refund for what he payed for, not for the items. Shall...
I have, he has prevented this by allowing me to not comment on his profile, blocked me on skype i believe and i cannot make contact. What do i do?
So what do i do about this situation?
As i stated, he wont add me or talk to me until a moderator tells him to. Hes made it so i cannot even comment on his profile, and will not reply...
It was my 2fa that was over taken, the victim will not add me as i stated, he is waiting for the moderators like yourself to inform him, i simply...
What else can i provide for you sir?
Last screenshot shows the 17th of april, there sadly was no trades made on the 18th :( As you can see, spuffy traded me the items, i will agree...
April 14th or 15th, after i traded with spuffy and i agreed to begin work in a few days. Even after the matter of days when trying to get my...
Picture of me saying im ready to provide refund can relate to the top image. So what do i have to do next?
Separate names with a comma.