I trust you that Tio might be a good Moderator, I just wanted to make clear that I feel really bad treated and that he Maybe talk to me another time.
I took down the Video because the Gambling Sites are shutted down anyway.
And its really curious that all Reports go to Tio Jose das Vacas, he is the only one who gets reported from every user.
You said I avoided conversations, but I explained him all issues. The Video Ive made was based on Affiliate Codes on Gambling Websites where you...
So I dont really want to report Tio because he is a bad Moderator, but Im really sure that he made the wrong decision regarding my ban Appeal, I...
Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: azap | steam3ID: [U:1:162648173] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:81324086 | steamID64:...
Yep i made a Tutorial where you can get a free Knife with Luck. I linked some betting websites where you can login with my Affiliate Code to get...
I made so much Videos, can you give me some tipps? =)
I cant explain the video because i cant watch it :)
Well i wanted to buy a Knife with a PaySafeCard. A friend of a friend was interested and i gave him a paysafecard for his knife. He told me that...
I can explain what happened but it was just a mistake. =)
I dont know what kind of Video this was, but in the end i gave back the knife to the guy so idk whats the problem...
The Video was removed from Youtube.?
I dont know if you need more Information, but it has nothing to do with this issue :0
So im back now, sorry that you have to wait. It was a missunderstanding between a friend of a friend and me. Im on Probation since 2 month. But...
There are 2 Victims but I dont know them, I just know what he scammed Scammer: |steamID: RIPSkins.net #3 |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:115376546...
Scam Report of http://steamcommunity.com/id/nomis99111 Impersonation of a RIPSkins Bot. Steam Link :...
Ban AppealSteamRep Block https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198194895893 Type of appeal SteamRep tag removal/downgrade What was your in-game...
Can anyone of the mods help me pls? You can also add me on Steam, it would be a pleasure :)
Separate names with a comma.