I never stated that I was impersonating BBG in this case, I tended to impersonate alot of people such as professionals as well, I had made sure...
I am sorry, I did not know this I'll stop the spam now. It was very obvious that I was not the legitimate middle man and when someone did ask me...
My point is why are you able to ban someone who had copied a profile 3 years ago and did nothing with it except troll, there was legitimately no...
I am going to continue to argue until I get my point over and you review my case and prove my innocence.
Question: What if the person idolizes them like they idolize professionals? So they change their name and picture to it and pretend to be it...
I have no idea why I repeated myself, Please also teach me to use the site whenever you are ready to. :) You also say that you only follow...
The point is that it is unfair to ban others because of a similar picture and name, especially when it years old and no harm has come from it,...
My point is you should not mark and ban people that have done nothing wrong besides copy someone, this could be caused my many reasons such as...
http://steamcommunity.com/id/-BBGGamersZones- http://steamcommunity.com/id/BigiBangiGamer http://steamcommunity.com/id/IBigBangGamersI...
http://steamcommunity.com/id/BBGOnline http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197991480074 http://steamcommunity.com/id/BigBangGam3rz...
http://steamcommunity.com/id/BigTheoryGamers http://steamcommunity.com/id/llBigBangGamers__ http://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialBigBangGamers...
http://steamcommunity.com/id/BigBangTheory- http://steamcommunity.com/id/-BigBangTheory http://steamcommunity.com/id/BigBang-Gamers...
Simply copying the avatar of someone and having the same name should not fall under the umbrella of "impersonation with the INTENT TO FRAUD." If...
I also do not believe that simply changing your name to someone elses represents intent to fraud, It might be fanboying or attempting to annoy...
https://gyazo.com/69e9101e7d9bebcd47cf3762d0fc48e3 https://gyazo.com/464cc024d363fc3bda780d66420cfb53 Links to conversations with a helpful mod.
Also this report was submitted recently and the name and impersonation was set in 2013, so either the person has a grudge against the former owner...
Please review and attempt to "downgrade" this moderator.
I've sent a private message to the person that rejected my appeal it reads as followed: Why have you rejected my appeal and made me unable to...
Follow up: I did not know brokering was a bad thing, I thought it just meant helping someone else trade and you get a small amount of payment off...
Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: ArkTiC #BrokeringAgain | steam3ID: [U:1:100739735] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50369867 | steamID64:...
Separate names with a comma.