Asshole signing in - not like anyone here would care about my opinion, anyway. It is weird, with harpoon's servers mostly consisting of the same...
I will autistically screech until this gets denied....
I am the superior shitposter, you darn truxican.
7/10 should have went with moonlight sonata [MEDIA]
I am an Admin, not a Kindergartener or Babysitter. I would much prefer to care about actual duties than to boost friendlies ego with their "nO...
4/10 I've had better [MEDIA]
Yea, what if? Strange cosmetics are a rarity among players, especially among those that decide to visit an achievement/idle server. In fact, it...
Or anything that gets them out of that room, really. This has been an issue for quite some time now, but for whatever reason, it got worse after...
The problem is that almost no one applies for that server, and if they do, their application is either terribly written or they do not fulfill our...
No need for screenshots, just link his chatlog so an admin can decide whether or not he bans / punishes him....
| steamname: Horny Mert | steam3ID: [U:1:422931172] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:211465586 | steamID64:...
| steamname: 3leg | steam3ID: [U:1:189362909] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:94681454 | steamID64: |...
| steamname: Taco_cat12 | steam3ID: [U:1:294562065] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:147281032 | steamID64:...
The ban is only 1 day long, no need to appeal. Also, some admins warn and some don't, that is something you should get used to.
Is it common? Yes. Is it obvious? Yes. While it is the worst method at all, PEOPLE STILL FALL FOR IT, so why even bother. But to be honest, it's...
While the ban is pretty old now (from 2013), would you care to explain where that VAC ban comes from? It is not that I am trying to "expose" you,...
Yea, I found out that Hoxx got muted as well, but the thing is that Hoxx has nearly no chatlog at all, and the chatlog that he has is merely...
I have no idea if he used his mic during this, but his chatlog saved the whole discussion. While the reason "rude" isn't really professional,...
People aren't perfect, and so are admins, so maybe someone mistook your aim for some kind of aimlock or wallhack. But to be honest, this sounds...
Separate names with a comma.