Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: A$APMK_ | steam3ID: [U:1:106759714] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53379857 | steamID64:...
[ATTACH] steam trade
Items exchanged with flapjack. - Mac-10 fade fac new - glock reactor ft - m4 guardian ft - M9 marble fade factory new forgot the float but it was...
thank you :)
Any way to private that from the public please? ^ tried to edit but 5 minutes passed.
AND (sorry i know i'm really taking up the forum :c) But if you think I would pull a stunt to get free stuff, I wouldn't jeopardize my main and...
I see what you mean by it looks like i sent the report early and I can see how it looks like the worst possible way :l, But its shown on there...
Because you said that chrome html is a easy change, do you want me to like skype screen share?
What messages before getting hacked? and the items were duped for me back as it says in my report they give back the items 1 time, I just don't...
Ya sorry about that, Vlad was just trying to help. He didn't mean it at all in a bad way sorry if we over stepped.
Ya, Thats a good friend of mine he was around me when most of this happened.
Ah, By high value how do you mean? Like worth a lot $?
Also, I understand that because I reported my hijacking and that the scammer trade happened that it might of become confusing as I sometimes read...
I didn't really understand what was going on to be honest. I did the trade I never denied I did the trade and i STRONGLY regret it but I did and i...
How else would you like me to show them? Just give me the way and ill show you direct proof :D
I uploaded 15 screens or so but not all of them uploaded i dont know why but I mean if I got to screen share the damn report i will :D, I'm not a...
Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: MKPro-OP (ง︡'-'︠)ง | steam3ID: [U:1:106759714] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53379857 | steamID64:...
Separate names with a comma.