I would like to test the map once its ready. Enjoyed testing your last map :cool:
Yeah this was with telehops though, not sure if you wanna keep those? I tested your map for about an hour last night, gonna give some more...
List of upcoming maps, as a little heads up: surf_sinsane_ez [Tier 3] surf_physics [Tier 2] surf_epicube [Tier 2] surf_second [Tier 3]...
ye found the issue, its a wrong teleport zone. I put it there to prevent telehops but it ports you to the next stage when you enter it twice. just...
I should be able to fix that problem with a config. I wouldnt remove the map since its one of the best t1/2 linears out there.
Because i didnt get around to fix it.. Just wrote the config, this should remove the jail: filter: { "classname" "logic_timer" } { "classname"...
Nah thats an easy fix. Gonna write a cfg later, should be no problem.
Should remove "classname" "logic_timer". If that doesnt work, just remove the specific info_teleport_destination you get ported to, that works...
updated :cool:
Like said above, we had this for some time and it didnt work out that great since people always voted for the easiest maps. I would keep it as it...
If there were some good ones...
I vote for more SkillSurf ! Preferably a tier 1-4 server. I would only put some popular t4s on it. Like surf_overgrowth, surf_beyer2 or...
Thats what i meant :p
We really need a hotfix for the "map doesnt change/plays 2 rounds issue". This is kinda ruining the experience and can get super frustrating....
Doesnt work for donators, so its admins only. Should be a easy fix then when its already working.
Some new and open suggestions, besides the stripper:source stuff, that hopefully i can take care of. 1. Sidehud A real sidehud, like in CS:S is...
Separate names with a comma.