So yeah, It's the coming of Spook-time and in order to make the most of the Halloween spook sales I'm trying scrap off as much crappy sensually...
Victim: | steamname: Kengineer | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:6591449 | steamID64: | customURL:...
Yeah, I'm doing one of those things where I auction a butt-ton of hats off, so if anyone's interested or something feel free check it out here:...
So yeah, I'm selling things since I have a new-found addiction to games and I need keys to fund said addictions. I'm selling a Vintage After...
So you've probably not noticed but I've not been playing TF2. Long story short I may have killed it by accident. Basically I installed a bunch of...
Nope, totally an original idea n' stuff. Basically this is a thread which will do either two things: A: Fade into nothing due to the forums...
So I'm going be inactive for like, worse case scenario 3 weeks. I might be writing this from a hospital due to being involved in a mugging which...
Victim: | steamname: Lyonspa | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:29257248 | steamID64: | customURL: |...
I'm selling some of the hats in my backpack. Mostly taking item offers, but pure is accepted. Also Selling an Unusual but gifted Stormy Blokes...
Welp Valve themselves sent me an Email today saying this "Your account security appears to have been compromised." and now my Accounts going to be...
So Due to my backpack hitting 1000 items and me completely sucking at Team Fortress 2 unless it involves the Liberty Launcher. But wait whats...
We all knew this day would come. AND IT HAS ARRIVED ON A TIDE OF BLOOD. That's right, it's time to flaunt your stuff and show how rich you are...
So i got some hats i don't want, never wear, and overall cause mass brain-damage to those who gaze upon them or wear them so i decided i'd post a...
Hey der buddy hows it going. Heads up before hand my bioshock thing is ending today so enter while you can. So i got bored and was browsing...
Heyheyhey I'm looking to mass horde wilson weaves. Post how much you want for it and i'll consider it n' stuff.
Hey hey hey. So i'm doing another giveaway if you're intrested in getting this like £3 game in any sale for free then post here! OH ho ho, simmer...
"".: WarM Up :.: Hello 15:04:28 Kengineer Hotz: hey 15:04:34 .: WarM Up :.: u hacker? 15:04:58 Kengineer Hotz: yup 15:05:04 Kengineer Hotz:...
its over
A while ago i mentioned about doing one of these, and considering that massive Key buying and game buying zerg rush i just did costing me £100 and...
Okay so currently i'm pretty busy doing stuff n' stuff (Which i'm assuming isn't much of a surprise considering if you go off of steam for 3 days...
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