Unbanned you this time, as the ban is already almost 3 years old. Please be more careful in the future and review our rules (especially the JB ones).
Unbanned you this one time. Please do not spam name changes again, as you'll not be unbanned anymore. Locked.
Unbanned again, seems like KabelBW are being retards and re-assigning IPs every single day.
Everything is back online.
I am aware of the problem and already contact the server host about it. Unfortunately, their support is terribly slow, so it would be luck if the...
We donot handle appeals for bans shorter than 6 months, you'll have to sit it out. Locked.
Only going to close this, as there is no dedicated section for issues with the file hosting site.
As .ax said, you have to compress those kind of files into a ZIP archive. The problem with .dem files is that there is no distinct mime type to...
Invalid, cannot appeal bans shorter than 6 months.
In that case, appeal denied. We do not unban cheaters. Ever.
Yea, our host had some issues, so all the servers hosted on Game 3 were affected. Everything should be back to normal now.
Accepted and unbanned. @Jag Bajsa På Rakesh is going to stay banned due to attempting to circumvent his permanent ban for cheating. Locked.
So you openly admit to cheating with this account back in April 2017? | steamname: [Anti-NSS] Not Hacking | steam3ID: [U:1:423751287] |...
Highly doubt modifying the voteban menu would help that much, considering most people aren't even able / unwilling to read votes properly. Similar...
Added @Mike to Trade #2 with the mentor @Skeko Promoted @Unboxed to senior (Permissions extended to all Jailbreak servers) Promoted @CrazyApple...
Added you manually. It seems like the system did not find our Steam id, but still passed it through PayPal and later back.
Please explain your relation with: | steamname: Black without any white | steam3ID: [U:1:887324904] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:443662452 |...
Updated mapcycle.
Separate names with a comma.