6/10 Not a huge fan of Misfits, I do like Danzig, but I mostly prefer the sound of his solo stuff. [MEDIA]
7/10 decent [MEDIA]
5/10 Forgot about this thread tbh. [MEDIA]
Permabanned for racism, thank you for your report.
Ah well in that case it seems to be fixed
Well it fixed it on trade 3, trade 1 and 2 are still broken though. 1: https://files.f-o-g.eu/fgegb7058bg7gcd5ad7c0efe51e80f9e 2:...
As you can see in the video by going pyro and using the car it completely breaks the character model. To do this bug all you need to do is go to...
Again, you haven't convinced me. Lets say for the sake of argument that it was indeed your brother who was playing at the time and hes the reason...
To start out with, I'm the admin who banned you. That isn't your SteamRep block, this is: | steamname: Anonymous | steam3ID: [U:1:439088610] |...
Well, I'll just end it here, its pretty clear that you have no defense and the report is likely to be denied.
"brokula? more like gayula?" Obvious joke, I'm friends with him. "Ur gay." Again, obvious joke. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY SERVER" I can see how this...
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this report. You're trying to get him banned for something, toxicity maybe? Judging from the...
4/10 eh [MEDIA]
2/10 Hell Naw [MEDIA]
4/10 Not really for me [MEDIA]
m nam jeff
Accused [PGLS]Mark https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198158351551/ Date/time 4/26/2018 5:49 AM Server TF2 - Trade/Idle #1 | FREE ITEMS! -...
Separate names with a comma.