Banned [Hu] xXpappXx 1 day for constant Spawncamping Banned lomar nok 1 day for constant Spawncamping Banned Alex for 2 days for Spawncamping and...
l think u added the wrong server to the report.. The server you are playing on is Trade/Idle #3 just so u know.
| steamname: Mysideburns22 | steam3ID: [U:1:424551748] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:212275874 | steamID64:...
l rather not listen to that kind of music 2/10 [MEDIA]
This Player have been banned for 1 month, thank you for the report! This can now be closed
The ban is only 4 days so just sit it out.
Please dont necropost, threads that have been dead for more than 3 months Are considered "dead" and Should not be responded too.
Soldier and nothing else
Perhaps you should take a clear look at the rules the next time. Gonna unban you as a one time gesture, any other appeal of this kind will be...
l will unban you for now but any further appeal for bans of this kind will be declinced. Requesting Closure
Take care Luigi!
As Drago stated above, most players deserves a second chance and I would really like you to have it, however I'm pretty unsure what to say in this...
l have an ability to miss all the events B(
This thread have been more like a group chat instead of the whole point of this "Suggestion" thread
And that man was me
Took you about time B(
So.. l´m gonna Deny this ban appeal for the Extremity chat. Joining our servers and saying Bad word becuase you are bored just looks like a stupid...
Well in my opinion you should explain more of why you should get unbanned and not make a Ban appeal while behing Drunk... Incase you get unbanned...
4/10 [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.