Tyrant's Helm best hatte, alongside with eitherly FDU, Rack or Buds. My opinion though.
Player has been banned permanently. Thank you for your report.
I'm quite buzy as of lately, would've been neat if Sievert could apply although Trade's admin slots is full. Also, I set their ban length on a...
I know this fella, from my experience he's not using any sort of clients or hacks in general. This ban is a mistake.
Player has been permanentely banned, thank you for your report. Requesting close
Neato, lookin' good.
I agree with others, healthpacks/ammopacks could be a thing to have implemented, and doors into spawn. Instead of trying to parkour from the...
This is a steamrep block: http://prntscr.com/ee4mfn Also, no need at all to do this appeal. It's completely unnecessary as it's obviously under 6...
I'm on for almost anything, trade #2 is dead indeed and should be replaced. Also, an MGE server within Fog wouldn't be that bad. Much better than...
You could always try out the cool feature that everyone either spams or ignores completely. !report
Is this thing on? Hello?
I agree with the others here. Cheating of any kind isn't tolerable at all. I disagree with this appeal. Good luck anyways.
Yes, I'm so insecure of my age. Me and n0 have already cleared that up. What are you? 9fags, reposting old contents. Piss off, both of you.
oh hi mark!
tfw oku is not being a total piece of shit and is actually being serious, but yet dead
Rest in peace asshat.
New years eve is latin for suicide, fyi
What Ravaid said, pretty much sums it all up. I see no reason to unban you from the server, when you totally ignored my warnings. Not to mention...
It appears that Fahlo is the one responsible for your ban, discuss this with him.
Separate names with a comma.