Requesting a qualification for the biggest memers. Biggest shitposter - Darkregen Best look in real life - Yoda. Funniest member- Darkregen,...
I know, just wanted to provide a link. Kinda what I meant. Thanks for clarifying.
Pretty much this. Unfortunately, your items are lost unless Valve suddenly changes their trading policy once more. They do no longer return stolen...
I just want to point out that I take no responsibility for any cases of cancer caused by the overconsumption of memes.
Maybe it is just that people are busy. Many of the people here have a real life and do this in their free time. I am sure it's noted and will be...
Nice! Gimp scrub over here.
Happy new year you silly aussie! I just got up and its 03:47 PM.
Maybe I'll get something for free. Something that I will probably not be able to play because university. That'd be cool. Oku's not a winner,...
I took a peek in the suspected scammer's inventory. Since neither you nor him have much time in TF2 I assume it's about either a CS:GO or a Steam...
I only have one question: What game are you planning on playing on this? And what kind of things are you gonna do on it?
Not quite my type, but I think I could listen to this. Mostly because it sounds too happy for me. 7/10
Bad luck to everyone trying to steal my win! Under thread information it says that n0name is browsing this thread right now. I feel watched.
Conversation at 1:25 AM in Discord. DowncorpBot: [Tags: disgusting] [ATTACH] Downy: Say bye to the bot Downy: He's going to bed Toxic: NOOOOO...
All I know about Guest in Disguise is that you (judging from your steam profile and inventory) are a Spy main or atleast really like playing Spy....
Sweet Jesus. And I'm just sitting over here with 2.8 mb/s.
Actually, as far as I have spoken to people about that, it does not seem to be that much of a problem that I'm new. Might also be because I've...
Already onto that. Have to work on my Forum activity first though. Also thanks for giving me a chance :3
Doesn't seem like his main account unless he's not a typical Steam gamer. I hope your friend lost nothing of value because as far as I know Valve...
But I'm new :l
I'd apply, but I am still sorta new to this community and don't want to rush it and immediately get rejected for being a newb. Just try to voteban...
Separate names with a comma.