Might be. But by the effort he put into it looks like he doesn't really care.
Hey @Umbrellа™ In order to process your appeal I would need some more information. I would like to receive screenshots of your inventory history...
Zero effort. Zero chance. Declined.
As seen the the second screenshot provided by you, there is more of the ticket below. Please screenshot that as well and upload it here again.
With the effort he put into his appeal, I don't feel like putting effort into it either.
If I am correct https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1044646?p=1044646 is the plugin that is installed there. If so, then yes it is...
Duplicate report of http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/7525-76561198205808307-rain_delon.html
Duplicate report of http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/7594-76561198205052825-stewie.html
Hey @NIXIPEEK In order for your report to process I would need a couple of things to be done. I would need uncropped screenshots of the chat. I...
Thanks for the report. The accused has been banned.
Duplicate report of http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198077324655-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.107153/ Archiving.
@n0name Possible to add the plugin we use on JB to the master server? Downy wasn't able to do so that I've been told.
Updated them. Also added starfish his suggestions. Can I close this thread now?
I've added it to the rules because of... yea... Kids...
Disclosed the information either way because of privacy law.
Could you please retake the screenshot of the inventory history with the URL bar displayed. [spoiler]
Please upload all the evidence to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting and post the links below.
A trainee ship takes approximate 3 weeks. After this time, we are gonna look at multiple factors and ask the assigned mentor how they think their...
I'm gonna grand you your final chance. I do hope you realize you have had loads of chances and that you actually shouldn't be getting this last...
Separate names with a comma.