TF2 Outpost / Item TF2 Outpost / Item TF2 Outpost / Item TF2 Outpost / Item TF2 Outpost / Item TF2 Outpost / Item TF2 Outpost / Item TF2 Outpost /...
I fail to see the "intent to defraud"
Another alt | steamname: xadfredvaneko | steam3ID: [U:1:248616752] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:124308376 | steamID64:...
Added the accused. He admits to trying to scam http://files.f-o-g.eu/84g6b2 http://files.f-o-g.eu/64bcef
Trade with scammer alt banned on bp.tf and tf2op History - backpack.tf
Alt | steamname: Johnny @ Maccas Net | steam3ID: [U:1:156388950] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:78194475 | steamID64:...
Check outpost notes. USer is banned and has been warned before. TF2 Outpost / User / Koopsyyy [SC]
User connfirmed alt via tf2op;.
Accusations with no proof it seems. Also the steamrep report can not be used as proof unless that user opens the report here.
He is not a scammer he is just a shark. When A Player “Trades” another un-knowledgeable player and offers something worth far less for something...
| steamname: chaotic22xx1 | steam3ID: [U:1:142274105] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:71137052 | steamID64:...
There was a suggestion that was accepted 3 months ago for the item Price Voting - Strange Voodoo Juju - 2–2.4 buds - backpack.tf
Messaged polar on steam.
This report has nothing to do with D0. As said before though it was a obvious scammer alt according to steamrep criteria
What is considered an "obvious" scammer alternate account (alt)? Scammers frequently make new Steam accounts (or buy Steam accounts) to avoid...
Confirmed Sharm is a alt through tf2op now aswell TF2 Outpost / User / Sharm
Sharm is now banned and confirmed alt on backpack.tf (Thanks to Micheal Puddington for the help"
Separate names with a comma.