You, the one, reading this, is probably the owner of the website or the "Team". Before you get people banned, or add more admins, remember that when your players are gone, you're gone. This entire website, the reputation, everything, will be gone. Let people have fun. Stop acting like you're Donald Trump. You're not a world leader. This is a CSGO community, where people are supposed to have fun. What I want to say: Careful who you promote to admins, and watch over them.
Just wanted to let you know that I voted "This guy is wrong" because you said "This is a CSGO community..". that ain't right, altho I dont rly care that much about TF2 either. We're open for critics so why dont you speak up clearly? got your friend banned? is your archenemy going to be accepted as an admin? ...?
My bad, just had an experience at the CSGO server. Found this website through the name of the CSGO server, therefor I thought this was a CSGO community Im speaking at a basic level, where admins always feel and act on what they want. Players were just temp banned and muted, for talking back to an Admin. We were trying to hold a decent conversation, with solutions for each part. But the admin listened only to the guy he knew, rather than us who used common sense To admins on theese servers, you have a responsibility to make sure people come back, and not leave to other servers because of you. Websites and technology is temporary, but if you want the F-O-G brand to become something, tell your admins to not act as Gods, 10 people left the server right now with me. You can see how much of a problem solver this Veteran server admin who posted over me is. "Nope, just banned for a day for being an idiot.". The way you responded to me Seynethetic, tells me your'e open for discussion, and not actins as a God
Compared to the old days are these admins a walk in a flowerfield lul How about you sound less like someone who knows better and more like someone who has a problem with the current situation. If you speak in mysteries and saying "this person" noone can do anything about it. We are a big comminity and we have many admins. Say a name and point out what happened, ok?
Never told you how to host your server, just telling from my own experience, that things may be temporary. Don't ask for players to return when something new will come up after. You see this in everyday life.
Just noticed now that you got a perm ban - reason: nazism. so you don't agree with the admins decision to ban you for such a "minor incident". how about you follow the advise of Avaritia and explain what happened? maybe the admin was right banning you for that, maybe he wasn't. we'll see. as its a permanent ban he has to provide some good evidence. wanna give it a try and appeal your ban? or you wanna stay being the mysterious guy who knows how to handle stuff?
"Im not telling you how to run things" Do you re-read your own posts? You have experience? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
As someone who was there, with Miller saying like 5 times that Nazism is not allowed and you continued, and got banned, you think this is something to do with them being friendly only to people they know? They gave out many warnings about Nazism last night and I do not see why you continued, they warned used msay to direct players to read the rules. It is not about unfair or fair you broke the rules. You were saying about if its hard to sleep at night knowing you are germans to the german players, talking about nazism for WAYY to long and you think thats ok?
The very first thing you said when you came on the server was this I've told you multiple times to stop but you kept continuing in voice. Since i'm the one who banned you i'm gonna assume this is about me. If you don't like the way i handled, then please make a proper admin report.
Let's join in on this... To OP, stop trying to imply we have to follow your ideal of what should make a community. I agree that some of the nazism bans are an overreaction. But opinions differ and we still have to follow german law. However since you bothered to make this post you can either be 1.someone who was butthurt he got banned, 2.someone who wants to actually improve something or 3.just a troll trying to start something. With the way the first post goes the first thing that popped for me was 1. This is the first impression I got. If I'm wrong you should try to get people to understand instead of getting them in defensive mode
@Lelensko This was not about you Ken, I was a troll who got insta permabanned on this account, never said anything about that Im talking about something I saw some other admin do today, 2 hours ago to another guy. Abuse of power, act as Gods
The way Cheatnow, and Setynethic has responded to me. This is how I feel your admins should be. That response tells me that you're an admin, not someone who finally has power to kick someone from servers.
The fact that you have been permanently banned twice already tells me that you should not be the one judging other people here
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Where it the option "You are a knobhead, read the rules!". I can't see it anywhere. Make a proper admin report if you think that you are being treated unfairly and stop acting like you are something special. This community will stay long after you and I are gone. Don't act stupid.
Don't really see much sense in this thread, locking. If you want to report an admin, do so in the appropiate section, this here accomplishes nothing.