Merry Smissmas, Everyone!

Discussion in 'Updates' started by FoG BOT, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. FoG BOT

    FoG BOT BOT Member

    Oct 18, 2016
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    In the classic Smissmas story "The Gift of the Magi", a girl sells all of her hair to a hair warehouse to buy her boyfriend a watch chain, but in a shocking twist, he looks at his watch and remembers she's bald and it's time to break up with her. That's when the Magi show up, and it is a BLOODBATH.

    The point is, giving people gifts can bite you in the ass. Too much potential for twist endings. So this Smissmas, why not sit back, scroll down, and leave the gift-giving to us.

    New Festivizer Weapons

    The Festivizer now has more weapons it can festivize, including the Fire Axe, The Jag, The Kritzkrieg, Pistol, The Quick-Fix, Natascha, The Sandman, The Spy-cicle, Kukri, Shovel and The Scottish Resistance.

    New Winter-Themed Community Cosmetics

    We're shipping 17 new community cosmetics in the limited-time keyless Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case. Plus, The Festivizer can now be found as a bonus drop when opening the Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case.

    New Taunts

    Two new community taunts—The Scotsmann's Stagger and The Didgeridrongo—and one new Valve taunt, The Table Tantrum, are now available in the Mann Co. Store.

    Casual Match Improvements

    At the end of a Casual match, players will now be automatically formed into a new match with the same players and teams. You'll also get to vote on which map the new match will take place on.

    New Autobalancing System

    We're introducing a new autobalance system for Casual Matches and community servers that asks for volunteers to switch sides. Casual matches will reward you for switching teams by giving you the chance to earn bonus XP!

    Big Sale in the Mann Co. Store

    It wouldn't be Smissmas without the Spirit of Practically Giving. Look for 20%-75% off selected unlocked cosmetic crates, taunts, and tools in the Mann Co. Store through January 11th, 2017.

    And last but not least... Stocking stuffers for everyone! Merry Smissmas! See you in 2017!

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  2. TheBluekr

    TheBluekr Creator of ClOS Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    No new crates, no unboxing, no chances for strange festives, less money for Volvo.
    On the positive side, this time no new skins.
  3. Enrimeus

    Enrimeus alt_Human Member

    Aug 7, 2016
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    You have to buy the crates from the store, they might not need keys but they are the same price as keys... Basically valve is pretending to be nice by making keyless crates that can only be obtained from store for price of a key.
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