Implemented Switching the !guns system on Active Duty to match D2 24/7

Discussion in 'Suggestions (archive)' started by Baiyan, Nov 27, 2016.

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  1. Baiyan

    Baiyan im so high Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Currently, the Active Duty server, of which I play the most, and the D2 24/7 server both have different weapon selection systems. Basically, the main difference between the 2 is that on Active Duty, you have the option to choose 1 gun to use for BOTH teams, but on D2 24/7, you choose 2 different guns for EITHER team. Another slight difference is that for the Active Duty system, you are given a wider selection of weapons, which can be a benefit, whereas on D2 24/7, you have a selection of only the most popular guns.

    What I propose, is that the system being used on D2 24/7 is copied, and replaces the system used on Active Duty.

    Advantages of doing this:
    -M4A1-S players, like me (Around 50% of the community now), currently are at quite a disadvantage on the Active Duty server.
    An A1-S player like me, has to deal with playing the silenced weapon on BOTH sides, which makes us unable to practice with the AK, the most popular weapon in the game, or not play the A1-S at all, leaving us to play with a weapon we essentially suck with. This leads to half of the CS population being entirely useless on the CT side on Active Duty. Having an option to choose a weapon for either side, like on D2 24/7 eliminates this.

    -AWP players who also use the A1-S, like me (and MANY others) also have to deal with using the A4 whenever there is another person with AWP selected and we get unlucky, again leading us to being entirely useless on the CT side.

    -There are less people trolling with weapons such as the Negev and auto snipers.
    While it isn't against the rules or anything, it can be extremely boring and can ruin the fun for many people on the server to have people selecting stupid weapons. There are also times where people will disadvantage themselves, and in turn their team by choosing weaker weapons for no reason. Having only the strongest meta weapons like on D2 24/7 removes this.

    Disadvantages of doing this:
    -The Active Duty server would have a lower variety of weapons to choose from.
    While there are a very minute amount of players who use weapons like the SG and AUG, these players would obviously be left out and couldn't use their preferred weapon of choice.

    I feel that in this case, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages extremely. 50% of the CS population are A1-S players, who are quite severely handicapped on Active Duty. Whereas the populuation of players who use non-meta guns such as the AUG and SG is almost negligible in comparison.

    TL: DR: The Active Duty server should adopt the weapon selection system that the D2 24/7 server uses, because M4A1-S players which make up half of the community are completely disadvantaged on the Active Duty, and switching the weapon selection system would fix this.
    Sorry for the wall of text bois but I can't stop talking when I get going
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
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  2. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Ag re
  3. K1ng

    K1ng Member

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Why was this like this in the first place... valve always fucking things up ;)
  4. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Installed the D2 variant on Active Duty now as well.
    Also, @K1ng@K1ng, this has got nothing to do with Valve, as the menu is controlled by a plugin.
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