Welcome to the Jungle (Theme)

Discussion in 'Updates' started by FoG BOT, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. FoG BOT

    FoG BOT BOT Member

    Oct 18, 2016
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    If you live in a place unlucky enough to have seasons, the weather's probably starting to turn into what meteorologists call "garbage," and like all of us, you're starting to think about a nice vacation to the tropics. And if you're also like us, you then start remembering how all those places have filthy water and enormous spiders and those weird little fish that crawl up your–anyway, the point is you're going nowhere.

    So instead, we’re bringing the tropics to you, with a new tropical jungle-themed map we're working on! And we'd love the talented folks in the Workshop to join us!

    For those of you already developing for existing community themes, good news: There's a lot you've already developed that we think will fit in perfectly with the tropical theme.

    For the rest of you Workshop creators, consider this a call to action for all things tropical over the next few months: particles, maps, items and anything else. If you've got something tropical in mind, get cracking, because we'd love to see it. Don't forget to upvote your favorites in the Workshop!

    Continue reading...
  2. TheBluekr

    TheBluekr Creator of ClOS Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    As usually volvo is lazy to make updates themselves.
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