Victim: | steamname: Hyperion | steam3ID: [U:1:304034076] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:152017038 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Scammer: | steamname: Deemful | Buying | steam3ID: [U:1:284214866] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:142107433 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Assistant: | steamname: ッ Babu ッ | steam3ID: [U:1:248738547] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:124369273 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Screenshots: - First Chat - Second Chat - Third Chat - Fourth Chat - Scammer's Profile - Assistant's profile w/ name history Description: My friend wanted me to help him discuss a deal with someone, he added me, saying he wants my friend to trade him the knife with none of his stuff, so he can "counter offer" the "keys", well Detective Hyperion is in the case!, he said he has a "bot" waiting to be accepted with the keys: (This is the photo he sent me), I dug deeper, and I found out that there was someone in his friendslist named "Buba" that recently changed his name to the EXACT number of the "bot" he was talking about, talking about a big coincidence eh? He then proceeds to bash me on how he was reputable, on how he was 6 years on steam *with 1 game, LOL* and how he has 1.5K followers on twitter (the twitter had 1.5K followers, but only 1-2 likes per tweet, I wonder why, hmmm *follower buying?*), and then proceeds to block me.
I'm confused. What was the trade here and what agreement has the accused broken? This just looks like a chat of you two arguing whose reputable.
My friend wants me to help him with a deal. My friend told the dealer to add me. The dealer added me and told how it all worked (chat 1), he told my friend to send a blank offer with my friend's knife, so he can counter offer with the keys. He sent me a photo, and told him the bot had the keys and all he had to do is accept it. I goed through his friends list and found his friend changing his name to the exact name of the bot, and his name change happened in 19th of July (the exact day this scam happen), after that, I knew it was a scam and reported here
While it may seem fishy, we can't tag for this unfortunately as there is no broken trade agreement and its not definite what would've happened had you and/or your friend continued with this. Thanks nevertheless for the report.