Archived 76561198066070248 (Zodiacek)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by ShadoWalkeR, May 23, 2016.

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  1. ShadoWalkeR

    ShadoWalkeR Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: JustFx
    | steam3ID: [U:1:240772938]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:120386469
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    | steamname: Zodiacek
    | steam3ID: [U:1:105804520]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52902260
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    We agreed on a trade to trade My fallout 4 row gift for His Witcher 3 row gift and after i SENT him the gift he asks me to wait 14 days for witcher 3 for him to check that it wont be refunded, i said ok then return my fallout 4 and we will trade 14 days until it gets tradable and then we will trade
    Can provide ANY requested proof 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
  2. ShadoWalkeR

    ShadoWalkeR Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    He is refusing to give me MY fallout 4 back and neither does he pays me with witcher 3 steam row gift

    He can trade the gift easily and say it is refunded or revoked thats why i posted here to make sure that it cant be revoked
    this guy is a scammer
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  3. Zodiacek

    Zodiacek Member

    May 23, 2016
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    I am going to screen whole conversations and I have to tell that he knew i am gonna to trade that game what he offered me to someone else and giving me untradeable steam gift one... I just pointed at that there are many scammers who buy steam gift change it or sell it for something and apply ticket for refund... And they are earning this way many many things...
    So i asked him to wait 14 days until the refund will be not possible to get for it ... And we may finish our trade...
    He said that he won't refund it and then aggree on that we will wait 14 days after i wil ltrade it to him and he will still apply ticket... threated me he will do it and then i will receive ban cause i am scamming him... and did not buy him that witcher 3 etc.
    He was so rude and how he acted seems to be scammer since his SG profile is suspended with some more -REP and his DB steam is all time offline and can't check if he is trustworthy.
    Cause that when he traded me not tradeable git I was telling him that I will send him the witcher 3 after 14 days when it will be in safe that fallout 4 steam gift ROW... Cause now he can still apply ticket for refund and get back what he paid... Since i already bought the game and though when he knew i am gonna to trade it then it would be all ok.. But he handed untradeable steam gift... And cause i just wanted pending on him to wait he started threating me.. I am gonna to make screens of whole conversations because those screens what he said I don't think are all... maybe cutted dunno won't judge .... will check it... Please anyone with a little help how to solve that he gave me untradeable gift since he knew i would take it on trade.... for buying on demand game .. which made me " lost money " cause i bought it.... Please any advises are welcomed how to finish that trade when I got a gift steam row witcher 3 for him on what we made a deal... And i got already fallout 4 steam gift row but untradeable and which he sent via email (but email i received from steam) and i am just in that case scared if he can scamm me or can't.... Please any fast help for finishing this trade would be great thanks
    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet there are the rest of screens of the whole conversation .... to older messages i couldn'T get dunno why...
    Please anyone from steam support just ask the question if it is not available now to refund steam gift which was sent via steam (over email) in 14 days.... If not I would like to finish trade with Justfx - - and why is justfx's DB steam offline? ? he is banned on steamrep and that's why i had to ask him to wait 14 days to would be that gift from him safe... not try of scamm..
    and there is his SG profile which is telling from feed back from people with like 1600 and more +rep telling that he is scammer... and more than one like that.. with screens proofs...
    as can see there FOG saying about him he is scammer Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet ... It is why I am scared in that when he can'T wait 14 days until there will be no chance to scamm and then i would like to finish with him our trade
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  4. Zodiacek

    Zodiacek Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Probably will this guy soon remove from friends on the steam cause he is spamming me and insulting me...
    If that will happen I will talk only to you FOG won't have anything with this scammer anymore... He had to give me tradeable gift and did not... then he tried to scamm me pushing on me and insulting when I am trying to solve that wierd situation i really hate english is not my native launguage... So take my appologie if i wrote somewhere something badly... But with moderator trader I wrote and we disscussed it enough and now i will just wait until he will write me back with new informations
  5. ShadoWalkeR

    ShadoWalkeR Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    WOW this guy is a hypocrite talking about ME removing him from friendlist while is saying THIS to me scammer.jpg
    and is spamming telling me to ''behave'' myself because apparently HE is behaving rly well, taking someone's gift and not paying back is great behave and not scam
  6. Zodiacek

    Zodiacek Member

    May 23, 2016
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    You have to learn how to behave...
    I am really patient not as you... And I got around 6 screens of your insulting spamming and telling me i am scammer when you wanted solve that with FOG because you can't on your own.. we went for it.. And you still arguying and spaming and insulting etc. I just won't let be scammed by someone who is marked everywhere as SCAMMER... and who pushed on me many times and sent me non-tradeable gift when I was talking that i will have it on trade... for friend.. I have really enough of you ... I said you that I discussed with FOG and you said me that you won't talk to me and I have to talk with FOG now... And you did what? Spam me with insulting, flames etc.? How do you behave ? What do you think? I got more than 30 screenshots of whole conversation with you and i am for sure i can find there more than 40 times insult on me... from you..

    I'm not gonna to anymore to talk to you (did not still block you - will do it after we will solve this wierd situation with FOG) as i talked with him already and you can't be patient and you must just insulting other one all the time...
    I got exams today after 8 hours and i won't go sleep because I had to writting with scammer like you ...

    In 3 days this will be solved for good all and then I will block you finally... Don't spam me again and don't insult me anymore when I am trying to solve this stupid trade with a scammer like you...
  7. Someone

    Someone Member

    May 4, 2015
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    After speaking with the Zodiacek, he has decided that he will return the Fallout 4 gift back to you.

    He has sent you the Fallout 4 gift via Steam. Please accept it and notify us here.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  8. Someone

    Someone Member

    May 4, 2015
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    As explained above, the Accused has sent the Fallout 4 gift back.

    Since there was no real intent from the Accused that he was trying to scam, this report will be archived.

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    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Legacy Trade Moderator).**
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