Resolved Current problems on the bhop server

Discussion in 'Report a problem (archive)' started by Chefkoch JJ, Mar 17, 2016.

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  1. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    • [No Solution]From time to time maps don't change after the time runs out
      I'm not sure yet under what circumstances exactly that happens, but I saw it a few times.
    • [Pending]Rtv sometimes requires only 1-3 people even though the server is full
    • [Fixed]The times on bhop_eazy_csgo aren't reset even though the shortcut has been fixed
    • [Fixed]There is a teleport to stage 6 on bhop_arcane_b1 behind the spawn
    • [Ignored]Votekick/Voteban/Votemute get advertised in the chat but can't actually be used
      Minor "issue" but while I'm at it...

    Had a few more, can't recall them right now though.

    My suggestion to make the server a little more comfortable for regular users:
    On rtv/map vote, it would be super duper awesome to randomize the map list (of the 5 maps allowed to vote for) for every user.
    Had a (very) short discussion with n0name a few weeks back where he said it wouldn't matter since users would still just vote the first one on the list - BUT:
    If there is a set amount of players that want a specific map, and many people who don't care and just press "4" (the first available map in the vote menu), the vote for that specific map will be surpassed by the map in slot 4.

    30 players on server, 7 want bhop_arcance_b1

    Vote menu:
    1: No vote
    4: bhop_eazy_csgo
    5: bhop_whatever
    6: bhop_arcane_b1
    7: bhop_whatever
    8: bhop_whatever
    9: extend​

    Then 7 people vote option 6, but >~10 will likely just spam option 4, hence arcane won't be voted even though most don't care for the next map. Randomizing the list for every user would solve that problem.


    Another proposal:
    When a player nominates a map, it should be the first map in the vote list when the menu pops up.


    Keep in mind that the last 2 are personal requests and may be ignored, but it would still be cool if that could be implemented.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
  2. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    1.) Not sure what causes this, the plugin which did that a while ago on the Surf servers has since been fixed and shouldn't be an issue. Seems to happen with certain maps only (like arcane)
    2.) See the several other threads, Bhop is still running a bugged version of RTV. Will be fixed once the latest version on Advanced is working without any problems.
    3.) All reset, bots deleted too.
    4.) Will look into it once I get around it.
    5.) Those are global announcements. The only plugin which exists for CS:GO is bugged/unsupported by the author, so we had to remove it.

    Suggest both of them in the plugin thread here:

    In general, I am looking for people who could help me with zoning maps (same permissions as Chewyy, plus rank).
    Will give you an introduction if you are interested. Mostly need one as I plan on adding more maps soon.
  3. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Just one?
    Im down, plus i can think of another guy that would love to help aswell.
    +3 Helpers for you
  4. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Im up for it, seems fitting as im already admin on the server.

    ​i also want to be special
  5. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    I'll get to that when I find the time
    Actually I'm gonna do that right now

    Sorry for the late reply, my girlfriend was visiting over the weekend so I had no time for internet stuff :D
    I'm definitely interested though, if you still need someone just message me :]
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
  6. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    He already has two *caugh* me and dark *caugh* but the more the merrier
  7. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Not needing more "zoners" for now, will make a seperate thread if again.
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