Victim: | steamname: levron jaims | steam3ID: [U:1:114655772] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57327886 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Scammer: | steamname: Killaton | steam3ID: [U:1:141946077] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:70973038 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Screenshots: (Details of the chargeback via the PayPal website as well as our chat logs. I have since payed off the negative balance and closed the account.) Chat: Details: I filed this report under your exception where you stated if I filed a SteamRep report a while ago I can make one here. And as usual they are a bit uh slow, so I have made one here and requested on the original report to have it closed. He bought x50 keys from me at 1.85 USD each. A few hours later I received a message from him via trade offer about some account hijacking or whatever and that he did not initiate the chargeback but it was quite evident that the "buyer" which was him initiated it. If there is any more info needed, I will provide what I can. He is also already banned from Outpost for the SR report.
Hello @Fireballnitr0 , in order to proceed with your report please add a: -ScreenShot of your paypal history- showing all the activity(go back 1 month, from the date of the scam)-in full screen, displaying the url bar and without cropping anything; -The initial agreement in full - without cropping anything; -ScreenShot of that paypal chargeback: Go to Resolution Center then click on the dispute, make sure that the image is in full screen and displaying the url bar; -Screenshot of your inventory history- Open the spoiler to see the requirements: Spoiler 1º-Open the Steam Browser by double clicking the steam icon in the tray in lower right corner of your screen. 2º-On top left, open menu "Steam" and select "Settings". 3º-On the new Settings dialog box, select "Interface" and enable the tick in front of "Display Steam URL address bar when available". 4º-Click "OK" to close the Steam Settings dialog, applying the setting. Making the screenshot: -In the Steam Browser, go to your Inventory, by clicking your Nickname in the top middle and selecting "Inventory" -On top right, click the "More" button that is shown above the game labels for the various inventories you have, and select "View Inventory History". -Seek the trade that relates to this on the number of pages you have (look below for the requirements). -Go to the start menu and type in the seek box "snipping", you will find in Vista and later the "Snipping Tool", click it to start it. It directly wants to make a screenshot. Select the full window excluding the very top of the steam browser window where your LOGIN name is shown. But INCLUDE the Nickname, the steam URL bar fully, both sides and full bottom of the steam browser. -Click the "Diskette" icon, or click "File" and then "Save As...", and save it to your desktop. -Come back here and make a reply. -Drag the image into the reply on the forum from the desktop. Requirements of the screenshot(s): -Exclude the Login name and steam wallet amount that is on the very top right. -MUST show the Steam URL in top left. -MUST show the Steam window fully from left side to the right side of the window. -MUST show the NICKNAME in top middle. -MUST show the related trade from the day before to up to at least 2 days after the trade or current date if that is earlier. -MUST show to the bottom of the steam browser window. -You are NOT to edit the screenshot, and NOT to blank out anything. Example:
Sorry then. As stated, I closed the account a few weeks ago and those chats are the only ones I have. I can provide the emails PayPal sent me about the balance and trade history, but that is about it. Sorry for wasting your time.
Trade history and emails sent to me by PayPal:
I need you to take those screenshots from with in the paypal it self, not from your e-mail: -ScreenShot of your paypal history- showing all the activity(go back 1 month, from the date of the scam)-in full screen, displaying the url bar and without cropping anything; -ScreenShot of that paypal chargeback: Go to Resolution Center then click on the dispute, make sure that the image is in full screen and displaying the url bar; Also re-add the screenshot of your inventory history- Make sure you follow our requirements: Spoiler 1º-Open the Steam Browser by double clicking the steam icon in the tray in lower right corner of your screen. 2º-On top left, open menu "Steam" and select "Settings". 3º-On the new Settings dialog box, select "Interface" and enable the tick in front of "Display Steam URL address bar when available". 4º-Click "OK" to close the Steam Settings dialog, applying the setting. Making the screenshot: -In the Steam Browser, go to your Inventory, by clicking your Nickname in the top middle and selecting "Inventory" -On top right, click the "More" button that is shown above the game labels for the various inventories you have, and select "View Inventory History". -Seek the trade that relates to this on the number of pages you have (look below for the requirements). -Go to the start menu and type in the seek box "snipping", you will find in Vista and later the "Snipping Tool", click it to start it. It directly wants to make a screenshot. Select the full window excluding the very top of the steam browser window where your LOGIN name is shown. But INCLUDE the Nickname, the steam URL bar fully, both sides and full bottom of the steam browser. -Click the "Diskette" icon, or click "File" and then "Save As...", and save it to your desktop. -Come back here and make a reply. -Drag the image into the reply on the forum from the desktop. Requirements of the screenshot(s): -Exclude the Login name and steam wallet amount that is on the very top right. -MUST show the Steam URL in top left. -MUST show the NICKNAME in top middle. -MUST show the Steam window fully from left side to the right side of the window. -MUST show the related trade from the day before to up to at least 2 days after the trade or current date if that is earlier. -MUST show to the bottom of the steam browser window. -You are NOT to edit the screenshot, and NOT to blank out anything. Example:
Hello @Fireballnitr0 ,unfortunately without the full agreement and paypal screenshots I cannot verify your claims/accusations, therefore I'm going to archive this report. Thanks for the report!