| steamname: Stannis Baratheon | steam3ID: [U:1:134101138] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:67050569 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094366866 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/michros | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198094366866 I shoulda done this a long time ago. First report on fog. Some backstory What he does is he has TONS and TONS and TONS of alts in which he uses to make TF2 Outpost / Trade these trades. He uses alts because he is banned on TF2 outpost for giftwrap scamming himself. He makes a trade on one of his alts, says he's selling some untradable items for a good price, he tells people not to add that account but to add his main account so he can giftwrap scam them on his main account, and he does that til that account gets banned and he repeats the process on a new account http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198094366866-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.81854/ here's a report on steamrep with evidence of it, and now i'll link some of Also, btw this is his alt TF2 Outpost / Trade one of many of his alts I've reported at least 5 of his alts on outpost but my report tickets don't go back far enough to get them all. So I am relying entirely on that single outpost trade and that steamrep report. But I think him being banned on outpost for giftwrap scamming, and a trade that is linked to his account is enough.
I need actual evidence . I'm not going to take evidence taken from SR, without the victim itself, replies on the thread stating that she/he wants FOG to handle the report. We don't accept proof from multiple sites, we need the evidence to be Uploaded to here - Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting and the victim to reply on this thread stating that she/he backs up all the accusations.
Since no further information has been provided for over 7 days, I'm going to Archive this report. Feel free to re-submit your report with the requested evidence. Be sure to re-upload all evidence previously provided, and provide a link to this thread.