Heyo! I was wondering how you guys celebrate it ! I'm a big fan of fireworks, already bought mine. So I will be doing that oh and alcohol.
Going to our (summer)cottage to the archipelago. We'll shoot some rockets there. And yea, just gonna have fun
Alcohol. Alcohol. Alcohol too. Did I mention alcohol? Might even stream things while drunk But mostly alcohol
This year I'm gonna start masturbating before midnight, so I come on Jan 1st. I'll say I fapped for a year.
Devour chips and ignite a few small "tomtebloss" I ain't burning my money on the big fireworks when I can play it smart and just spectate the sky. I know there's plenty of "generous" people around to do that for me.
Don't take any offense Jeroen mate. <3 All I am saying is: we burn fireworks to see the pretty lights in the sky. I'll just sit back and watch the spectacles without paying a penny. If you have money to "burn"...why not? Spoiler
I made a rocket launcher, since my grandfather knows stuff bout explosives me and some lads (my imaginary friends) will go bonkers in the woods,partying, playing some music and videogames. We're going to play Evil Eye from the Payday 2 OST since we're fans of crime games and it fits with our rocket setup perfectly. We got an area set up for ourself with bean bags too so yeah. Promising night I say.
Fireworks traumatized me, I was staring straight into the sky, the fireworks were right above me. I was literally the only person out of the 15 of us that were directly under the show to have glasses and I was also the only one to get a piece of burnt paper into my eye. I'll just be watching fireworks from the inside this year.
Take 50 of these, get some aluminium foil, a fuse, and about 4 rolls of insulation tape, and make a firecracker that shakes windows.