Accepted 76561198160205900 (capitan sa kalo)

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by Ixel, Nov 16, 2014.

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  1. Ixel

    Ixel Member

    Feb 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    | steamname: ̲I̲x̲e̲l̲
    | steam3ID: [U:1:25296199]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:12648099
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable):

    | steamname: CAPITAN SA KALO
    | steam3ID: [U:1:199940172]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:99970086
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable):


    Person added me on Steam to buy three of my unusual hats I'm selling. He asks me how many buds I want and he agrees with the price. He tells me he must get some buds from the market first so I said fine. Then he stumbles and says wait, and that he needs to check if my unusual hats aren't duped. I said fine, do what he must do. He said in order to check if they are duped that I must contact a friend I can trust, so I said fine and contacted Cheeky PJ. He required her to hold three of my unusual hats to verify if they were real. I was beginning to get suspicious from that point on. Anyway I complied and traded them to PJ. He then tells me to wait, leaves the conversation on two occasions and PJ informs me he just tried to get them from her via an account with an identical nickname to me. Fortunately she spotted this and didn't trade them. I've reported him via Steam Community (though don't know if anything will be done), but fortunately no damage was done to myself.

    Moral of the story is, check someone's steamrep and to check if an item is duped you just need to look at the ID's in the backpack (so I've read now). A newbie trader is learning (me). Plus it's probably the time of night where I'm not all attentive.

    Pictures above contain chat transcripts to somewhat verify the course of the events. The guy has a bad steamrep anyway.
  2. CheekyPJ

    CheekyPJ Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Steam SteamRep
    I can confirm, that happened. I panicked there and forgot to take a screenshot of the two different "Ixels" in my chat, but how I noticed was, as it says on the screen taken, one of them had nickname I saved and the second didn't, PLUS the warning I got while I was trading. Permanently blocked that person and deleted from my friends after he spammed to me "mate what happened mate trade pls mate mate". At least should've tried to look and act a little bit more professional, otherwise he dealt with wrong people.
    Careful with trades mates.
  3. Ninja Otter

    Ninja Otter Cunt Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Steam SteamRep
    Hi, can I quickly just say, if you make a report in the future please don't post it here with the prefix 'Pending Tag' but in the main scam reports section with the prefix 'Pending'.
    Also the types of scam where a user says "can you trade your item to a friend" are very common ATM, and you should always suspect that they're a scammer if they do so. Also if you ever do want to use a middleman the user that has the items should be the person to send the trade offers etc.

    Anyways accepted.
  4. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Steam SteamRep
    Person is already tagged, added another offense to his main account.
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