So, the stickybomb launcher, minigun and axtinguisher among a few other weapons have been...poked with, a little. What do you guys think? I for one am very happy with the nerf to the stickybomb launcher.
A fair set of changes, imo Pyro had too many crit mechanics, and now heavy and demo need to use their weapons as per their design
Pyros were a very weak class to begin with, Axtinguisher changed that, but now, he's lost a good ability.
Pyro just needs a bit more sneakysneaky, nothing has changed. how has stickybomb and minigun changed?
The stickybombs now have rampup time of 2 seconds after being fired before they reach maximum damage. The miniguns have rampup time of 1 second after firing before it reaches full damage and accuracy. This means in a nutshell that sticky spamming has been made less effective.
I didn't really get the nerf on the minigun, since if you fire for more than a second, you're aiming for something far, while you don't need precision if you're spinning it to get rid of a scout. I'm really glad they patched both the sticky launcher and the axtinguisher. I mean, the sticky was used mainly to spam stickies on everybody after you ran out of grenades. The axtinguisher is still really effective, counting how many times we complained about it when we met that puff-n-stab pyro while turning a corner.
I never even noticed the changes to the miniguns or the sticky bombs, but I think they're welcome. As far as the axtinguisher nerf goes, I think the only thing it does is take away a bit more time from the pyro. He just needs to airblast you and hit you with an axtinguisher two times instead of one.
Besides, the demoman's stickybomb nerf has been long since reverted and the minigun now starts its rampup time even if just spinning (So not as strong a nerf anymore). Anyhow, closing this thread because it was really only aiming at the two significant nerfs as mentioned.