Your FoG history

Discussion in 'General' started by Holoflash, Nov 4, 2013.

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  1. The Golden Werewolf

    The Golden Werewolf Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I joined back in the age of the punisher, I was originally a master race patron, after being there for a few months (2-5) I applied for admin, Fluff and hewhoshallnotbenamed both approved my application, I got accepted on the day we shut down and became Fanatix, that shut down and joined ENW, we picked up the Downfags and left them in the dust and became the little shitstorm we are today.
  2. zefeel

    zefeel Member

    May 12, 2013
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    First FoG server I ever joined was 2fort. Since I was a little mute faggot back then in 2012, I never really spoke to anyone. After a while, I discovered that there is a thirdperson mode, and since I wanted to see my smexy sniper, I decided to join a few trade servers. After a few weeks of searching, I decided that the FoG trading server was the best one, and I stayed. I almost quitted after sam banned me (le sed feac), but I decided to stay, only to get banned again by werewolf (lesedfeacagin). I also saw that you guys had a forum, I joined, but never really posted n'stuff. A few months later I was part of the community, but the first guy that I had contact with was Pruu. Our sniper battles were quite exciting, and it was just fun to play on these servers. Finally, Rainbow made me do an admin app, got accepted, fucked shit up, left, and now I am here.

    EDIT: I miss ducky B(
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2013
  3. MusicalSandwich

    MusicalSandwich Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Didn't really do much sosialzing via steam or games in general before I visted the KritzKast group chatroom in early 2013, where I met n0:name. After being an admin for kritzkast for a few months I quited and went to just playing. But I felt the urge for something more than just playing, so I talked to n0:name about joining here. Started showing my face around here, submited an app and became an admin here. That's about it.
  4. Damiensdk

    Damiensdk Banned

    Oct 14, 2012
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    I first played on the trade server, I'm not sure when but I remember it used to be called fnatix or whatever.

    Became admin in the winter of last year, fun times
  5. xxsam

    xxsam Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I joined way way back in the times of when soldierkid3 or whatever its called roamed Mario Kart, and when Proto and Punisher were not deemed inconsiderate assholes.
  6. Pruu

    Pruu Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    We talkin' like.. ancient times?
  7. Jettan's Horse

    Jettan's Horse Member

    Oct 29, 2012
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    I wasn't premium, but I still wanted to find a semi-peaceful server where to be lazy at the max. So, I found the trade server. Was a bit un-logical, a F2P going on a trade server. Like after 4 or 5 days after I found the server, I decided to be a part of the community and I joined FoG.
  8. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    So you are one of those F2P noobs?!?!
  9. Jettan's Horse

    Jettan's Horse Member

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Yes I trold u all wif mi cul mems and yes xDDDD!!!!
  10. Sir Waffle II

    Sir Waffle II Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Uh, I joined the forums in October 2011 I think, and applied for admin in November. I never got officially accepted because all H@'s approved me except n0name. So Proto, who wasn't an asshole at the time from what I can remember, gave me permissions.
    Then Proto and Raidar happened, some guys left. Then over christmas some fights occurred but I couldn't be bothered to care. In April I think FoG was kill because of Punisher. I left for a few months, then I joined the reincarnation Fanatix run by n0name, Root and mystic. Stayed there but didn't apply for admin.
    Fanatix merged with ENW due to money issues I think even though those communities didn't have anything in common and we all hated eachother. I just ranted on the forums and played deathrun at the time. Blah blah blah I was away for a few weeks I think, the merge was undone and what was left of the Fanatix part of ENW became FoG today and n0name dropped Root and mystic as H@'s because he wanted to be a dictator.
    Uh I'm now realising I'm sort of just explaining the history of FoG and not my history in it but heyo.
    Then I became admin n stuff again. Then Speedy came back I think (?) caused huge shitstorm and complained. Either way he left soon. Then Headtricker happened for the second time. (Forgot to mention he was in Fanatix as well because fuck editing.) Basically this douche nozzle who somehow became admin. Blah blah blah nothing really happened, I got bored of vidya gaems, left, played on and off for a while, blah blah blah, I'm sort of back. At least for a while.
    And there you go.
  11. xxsam

    xxsam Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I'm pretty sure I was here for all of this. I remember the five root causes of every issue ever with ye olde FoG and it's many reincarnations.
    1) Punisher
    2) Proto
    3) Princess
    4) Speedy
    5) Money
  12. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    I've seen it all damn i feel old...
  13. Ninja Otter

    Ninja Otter Cunt Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    eh I was invited to the group back in June 2011. I joined the group as the 13 year old me always did without ever remembering if I went on the server ever (I probably didn't) then I left the group probably. And rejoined it when I met n0:name in the KK chatroom (just like Sandwich did). Eventually I became a KK admin and left that and asked n0:name (rather rudely might I add) to give me admin. He said if I got the hours in and shit he'd say ok. So I did and here I am now.

    stupid invite bots
  14. Kickerz

    Kickerz Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    If I recall I got a invite to the Steam group back when I started playing Tf2 and I never thought too much of it aside from the fact that they were good servers to play on. I then started Playing on the Deathrun server and enjoyed it (I wasn't any good at it mind you) and then I stopped playing Tf2 for other games.

    When I later came back on; my friend told me about Jailbreak, I perused the Jailbreak servers and noticed the F-o-G one and went on that. I had lots of fun on it and after wanting to become an admin, made my account on the Forums and started to get to actually know the group I'd been in for over a year but never knew much about.
    So there you go, bit of a tedious and boring one. But my short F-o-G history nonetheless.
  15. Krupp

    Krupp Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    I borded (read; bothered) this ship back in september 2011 (I believe it was 9/11 'lawl' )
    Didn't make much noise, just stalked the whole place for a good 3-4 months. I had this ridiculous (I swear, the most ridiculous ever) name I can't even remember, before switching to this annoying name Krupp. People associate it with a german steel manufactorer, who delivered guns and ammunition to the nazis, but here in Sweden it's a medical term for a child disease. TF2...child disease...oh well. I ended up playing on the 2Fort server on a daily basis, and since I'm such an asshole I came up with this terrible idea to apply for admin, and got accepted for some stupid reason. February 2012 was the date.

    Since then I've been into like 20 major fights or so on the forums. Some were started by someone else, and some by me. Let's just say that fights seem to follow my path wherever I go. (I love you too guys) I think I'm the only one who has left the place 5-6 times and got back after a few months again every time. Been admin at least 4 times, hardly ever longer than one month at a time. Some people say I'm the greatest sniper they've ever met, but that's incorrect. I'm actually quite terrible, it's all hacks. It doesn't stop me from trying to snipe with any class in the game. Doesn't matter if it's a rocket launcher or a knife, I will always try to find a way to snipe someones head. It's an addiction I can't get rid of.

    This summer I got saved by Jesus and became a christian. When this happened, my life turned into a new path and so I left yet again. I'm actually not back here, it's just temporarily. Mainly to annoy Sam, but also because I miss the sniper wars on 2Fort. So if someone wants to spread their hate on me, go visit 2fort or trade. I will bust you up, shitheads! Sorry... old habit.

    That's about everything I felt like typing in this little box of text. Don't forget to spam some memes like Sam always does when I post something here.

    My mom loves me. Peace.
  16. Edgar Axe

    Edgar Axe Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    I am Edgar Axe also known as "Prototype" formally!
    I joined in 2011 I don't know when. I am the person responsible for some of the FoG fights.
    Make story short I was an asshole some people still think I am that.
    I just want to say I have changed and I have no grudge against FoG.
  17. Krupp

    Krupp Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    Everyone deserves a new chance. Even if it's the 100th. A person can always change into someone better.

    Stand up in your light, Edgar! God bless.
  18. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Well I never expected religion in this place....
  19. Pruu

    Pruu Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Yeah, course' ..

    You all serve me, in my great name and great honour.

  20. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    pruu stay away from drugs
    you are imagining things again
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