Title pretty much says it, I'm on the marked for a new mouse+mat. Right now I'm using a Cyborg R.A.T. 9 for the sole purpose of making it big, as I have very big hands and the average Razer feels like something made for kids. Any ideas on what mouse to pick? Before I got the Cyborg, I exclusivly used a Logitech G5 during my glorydays in cs 1.6, but after 5-6 years the buttons started to die on me, and I got the Cyborg. Got my eye on a G500 now, without looking too much at other mice, but I'm all ears for other options. (also goes for mousemat). Tips and suggestions are welcome! My quick user-review for you on this piece of gear, Cyborg R.A.T. 9 wireless. At first look it seems versitale, expensive, and somewhat classy, but for me it had a number of problems. Tracking: it tend to live its own life depending on what surface you use. Myself I started using it on a black Qck cloth mousepad, and the cursor was absolutely everywhere, whenever it felt like. Quick movements was a no-go, but slow precice movements it did surprisingly well, and for that I guess I forgave it for being ok when editing movies/music etc. Then I went for Icemat,- it got better, but not remotely good enough to live up to the cost. It got quicker in the reaction, but it could simply skip entire moves if you barely lifted it off the surface. (lowsens people knows what I'm talking about). Now I use it on a pair of cheap Verbatim 2€ mousepads which seem to work fine, the grit is raw as hell, but it tracks decently, but not good compared to any corded mouse. Customization: This being one of the main-reasons I got this mouse, because I got quite big hands, and the average mouse simply feels uncomfortable and causes me to build up tendonitis. It comes with three different palm-rests, and three different ring/littlefinger-rests, which you can adjust back and forth as you feel like, that can make the mouse either rather big, or tiny as a Razer. You can even add weights if you desire as such. I've seen lots of people complain on the battery on theese, but I dont see the hassle. Just set in the freshly charged battery when you play, and let the other charge, and it lasts for 6-7 hours of use. Which takes me to another good part of this mouse, the docking station which charges one of the two batteries that comes with the mouse. My advice; dont buy it. Maybe the corded verision is good, maybe it has the same issues. But I wouldnt buy another if it broke on me.
I recommend getting a mouse pad with a wrist support thingy. Imo it's very comfortable and I do better when I play with it.
decent mouse mat = (£)5 squids tops. Fuck, I just play with some shitty laser Zoostorm thing, works fine for me.
Don't mind me, but I feel more confortable without a Mouse pad. I have a wireless laser Mouse with some junk attached to it. It cost me ten euros. Not bad.