Operation Madness vs Machines!

Discussion in 'Updates' started by FoG BOT, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. FoG BOT

    FoG BOT BOT Member

    Oct 18, 2016
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    (Image credit - Mayor Rev)

    Operation Madness vs Machines is a brand new community co-op Mann vs Machine charity event brought to you by the same group that created Operation Titanium Tank and Operation Canteen Crasher!

    Operation Madness vs Machines will take place on May 17th, 2019. Work closely with other players to complete the community-created contracts! Earn in-game medals for playing community Mann vs Machine maps and missions!

    This charity contest is now accepting new or work-in-progress community Mann vs Machine maps and missions to be showcased on their servers during the event. The deadline for all submissions is May 15th, 2019. Click here for details.

    Donations are already open for this event! You can donate money on their Extra Life page or TF2 items on ScrapTF. All donations of $10 (USD) or more will earn an in-game donor medal. Reaching the $10,000 fundraising goal will award all donors an additional special co-op donor medal! Click here for donation instructions.

    All players, donors, and creators can earn up to eight (8) in-game medals. Click here for more details.

    Eager to fight the robot menace right now? The Operation Canteen Crasher campaign is still running! Operation Canteen Crasher features 30 maps and 68 missions. You can win up to five (5) in-game medals for playing Mann vs Machine! (Operation Canteen Crasher ends on May 16th.)

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  2. Maestro

    Maestro Obnoxious shitkid Legacy Admin

    Aug 21, 2016
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