Alright so mainly because this is spiralling nowhere fast and I want some sleep, I'll try to sort this out right now. Enjoyker: You're still young and people should respect that, but after hearing from both sides, I'm conflicted in my opinion as to whether Ducks truly insulted you. You're doing a mature thing by trying to end the argument instead of letting it escalate, but I feel like it could have been avoided quite efficiently. In future, if Ducks' sense of humour irks you because he targets you with admin commands as a joke or annoys you, please take a minute to mute him and calm yourself, as I don't think you need to leave the server for that and you may be able to maintain a lack of insults. Before I refer to Ducks, I'm gonna apologise too for being a bit against him at first due to the fact the same day the mute and gag Enjoyker didn't like occurred, I misinterpreted Ducks muting someone for a joke reason as it being Enjoyker he did it to, when it turned out to be WHITE he did this to. That's my mistake and I'm sorry. Ducks: This problem definitely isn't your fault in a bad sense, but what I think we can take from this is that the issue has occurred because of a conflict in terms of senses of humour. This is an uncontrollable thing, and definitely isn't your fault, but people are people and I think it would be best if you avoided using Admin Commands on Enjoyker for no reason, except maybe the occasional minute slap just as an honest joke instead of mute and gags. Banter is banter, but different people see it differently and therefore it would be best if you tried to both accept that because of this, you two may struggle to find common pieces of humour and it would be best to avoid that on the server for the sake of keeping the server and the pair of you calm. Hopefully this helped. ducks sorry for misinterpreting so badly probably should have asked about that first instead of making you look like a prick bye