Titles? How to earn one?

Discussion in 'General' started by ♥Cap boi Brandon NITW♥, Aug 12, 2018.

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  1. ♥Cap boi Brandon NITW♥

    ♥Cap boi Brandon NITW♥ Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    So i've seen some members of this community have their own titles, an example is one like Downie's title: CEO Of Downcorp.
    I ask, how does one earn their title? I assume you have to post a certain amount of messages before you can earn it?

    If im incorrect, please tell me how and if there is a specific thread for things like these, i.e titles, banner colors and name colors, then notify me.

  2. Svarten

    Svarten Maximal Effort Member

    Sep 27, 2015
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    It’s called a custom title, you can make one through personal settings if you’re a SENIOR admin or above.
    I do think if you resign as a senior+ your custom title stays on, explaining why some members still have a title.

    Uugh as for colors, different ranks has different colors. Not much more to that.
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