Resolved Player Report - STEAM_0:1:106078076 | darty

Discussion in 'Player Reports (archive)' started by [Fag] Danny797, Jul 5, 2018.

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  1. [Fag] Danny797

    [Fag] Danny797 Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    STEAM_0:1:106078076 | darty

    05.07.‎2018, ‏‎07:50 - 08:05 BST

    TF2 - Jailbreak NY | US1-19

    I joined the NY JB server to see very few people, in the blu team there were multiple people, seemingly all of them with mics.
    The warden (not darty) made some mistake and led to a warday being needed so a red could be given lr. darty freekilled said red and a freeday followed the next round, on which darty freekilled mostly everyone (some rebelled).
    From that point on he continued to freekill on the reason "I'm defending myself" or "He provoked me" saying "I have rights". He started going warden more and more, making reds to do really dumb "games" just so he could kill more and more and if one single red rebelled all the reds would die, getting him most of the red team dominated.
    Everyone was upset at this point and calling him names to which he straight up killed anyone who said anything bad about him. This went on for a while until we played along to his shitshow and he finally left after being left in blu by himself (others left blu because they were getting teamkilled every round by random ff).

  2. Svarten

    Svarten Maximal Effort Member

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Darty has been banned for 1 month due to massfreekilling, thanks for your report.
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