How did YOU get into this community?

Discussion in 'General' started by Snake, May 23, 2018.

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  1. Snake

    Snake Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAKE?!?!?!? Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    I thought of making a new one of these since the other one was kind of old. And since a lot of new players have joined this community since then I was quite interested to see what kind of stories people will come up with. I'll start off:

    One time in 2014 a friend of mine asked me to come play a game of tf2. Back then I'd never heard of this game before. I quickly fell in love with the game. But I didn't play a lot of quick play. I have always been a fan of the custom gamemodes (Dr, VSH, Jb etc.) which can only be found in the community browser list. This is when I first started playing on the F-o-G servers. (What's really funny though, the actual reason I joined the deathrun server at first, was that the name of the deathrun server was really clean in comparisment with all the other servers. It was really simple: just F-o-G Deathrun FastDL or something.) I'd most often play on the deathrun server, which my friend really disliked. So he left soon after. I also took a break and forgot my password in the meantime (I later got it again however I already made a new account). I made a new account and joined the deathrun server again. That was when I first made some friends (These were MechaPyroGod and LazyLucky. I also recall seeing Sky). I stayed for a few months, but one day an admin told me (IIRC Starfish) that it was going to be removed. This is when I switched to jailbreak in 2015. I went by the name MR.POOTISPOW since I was a big fan of a trap in deathrun in jb_minecraft. (Jailbreak players will know this trap). After that I changed my name to Solid Snake when the taunt: The Box Trot released. I actually wanted this name to be temporary, however people began calling me by that name so I kept it. Then I joined the forums to finally settle myself in a community. Since then I've stayed and I'm pretty happy to be where I am right now.

    Damn, from being a casual deathrun pleb to being a senior admin on a community that you've played on since 2014. Post your story down below!

    (In case you're wondering on which account I played in 2014: Perhaps you knew me back then :p)
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
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    Feb 11, 2017
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    Late 2013 when I was introduced to a small jailbreak server. Looked for other ones shortly after and added FoG Jailbreak to favourites. - My old account
  3. Kermitisko

    Kermitisko Member

    May 19, 2017
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    I just came from the nothing here tbh
  4. dino

    dino get out of report Legacy Admin

    Jan 24, 2017
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    So this is kinda weird for me, I'm a long time rhythm game fan (actually currently listening to a song from a rhythm game as I type this) and I had a bit of leftover money on my steam account (at this stage I was sort of f2p with a premium account on tf2 because I bought from mann co store). I saw a game called "Geometry Dash" on sale and got hooked. Quite often, I would livestream this game and I met in my twitch chat (stupid me modded people randomly) to be 2 of the most influential people I knew online: Joel and Scott. I still talk to these guys to this day. Anyway, after years of chatting on skype Scott "introduced" me to TF2. I had barely played the game (~10hrs) and never played community servers. This is when he introduced me to TF2Custom. Now, he was a big tf2 player on modded VSH and JailBreak and I had no idea. My first jailbreak experience was when he loaded fuckzz_final on a private server and started dicking around. He then introduced me to a jailbreak server called "Fortress of Gamers". Since I had no idea what to do so he just told me "Do what the blu guy says". At this stage I got hooked on TF2 and he always invited me to play with him. Soon I started joining by myself and adding it to my favourites list, I became a regular on jailbreak and made a bunch of friends there. That's how I got into it but then... I punched my laptop that I played on and broke it. I spent 5 months wanting to play tf2 but I was using a cheap laptop that couldn't run it. Then I got a new PC and haven't broke anything since :)

    TL;DR Friend on rhythm game says check this cool server out and I favourite it.

    Edit: hey look its zrepy lmao
  5. Duchess

    Duchess Femme's bossy Sugar Lady Legacy Management

    Jun 23, 2017
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    5 US surf servers and screaming kids later, said fuck it, go to EU surf server

    uh here i am i guess
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  6. TheJulianSNL

    TheJulianSNL Legacy Admin

    Jan 29, 2015
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    To be honest I don't know how I ended up in this place
  7. Bambi :)

    Bambi :) The American Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Nothing much to say, Was bored one day and wanted to get on a random jailbreak server and massfreekill everyone and leave. Funny how those things turn out.
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  8. Lunar

    Lunar Moon Walker Legacy Admin

    Dec 14, 2017
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    [Well it started off with getting my first personal Laptop last year in June]

    I was exploring community servers since it was my first day playing TF2 with a loaded account and found Trade #3, stopped by and set up shop there as a decently wealthy trader, i kept coming day after day for awhile so my reputation from there on kept growing as friendly face and an honest trader. Overtime i decided to start doing giveaways and getting the community together for fun contest like Heavy boxing, Sniper lane and huge melee wars for example, some of which had prizes involved but kept people in check whenever they started ruining the fun for everyone. Several months later, everyone knew who i was and those who were knew learned about me even though i hated the public attention at first but it grew onto me since they looked up to me to help counter a hacker or spawn campers whenever it was getting out of hand but i digress.
    Later on down the line, i got contacted for a MA position and some talking with Icez, Roddy and Unboxed lead to me finally deciding to apply for Admin and now i'm here.

    Very glad to be here tbh
    ya'll are awesome <3 ;)
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
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  9. Taco_cat12

    Taco_cat12 Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Met forged, he then showed me this wonderful community :00
  10. [Fag] Danny797

    [Fag] Danny797 Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Come sit next to this 100% legit fire as I tell you the boring story of me joining FoG and what I learned from it.
    It all started with me getting a used laptop from my aunt (still using it) and deciding to try out what games will run on it and what better way to get games other than Steam? So I resurrected my account after letting it sleep for a good year and a half and looked around to see what free games are being played, instantly seeing Team Fortress 2 being in the top. I've known about TF2 for a long time and have only been able to play it at a friend's house since I didn't have a good enough PC for it to be playable (family doesn't really need a good PC so we never got anything decent, I think the one I was using was about 8 years old) until I got this "new" laptop and started playing mostly every day.
    At first I only played Casual and thought Community servers were some kind of hell I'd never want to go into, so I did that for about 400 hours (I don't remember a specific date). After getting bored of Casual I thought "I can beat mostly everyone now, why not?" and jumped in a Community server, my very first being Ach/Idle (on which I've spent a good amount of time on) where at first I was being rude to people for killing me with such ease. My rude behaviour got the attention of admins after a day or two and after warning and warning I got my first ever ban, at first I was just filled with anger and didn't understand, so after my 1 hour ban I kept going and going trough endless gags and then I was hit with a 1 day ban. This gave me a lot of time to think about how it's probably not a good idea to be an asshole to people :oops:. I apologised to every admin that was on at that time (Archon, .ax and someone else I don't remember). My apology was accepted and after a while of me showing a better behaviour more people started being more friendly with me (like any interactions with others usually are, don't be a cunt and be friends). A year later where I found some interesting people who regularly played on Ach/Idle and I've became friends with (I hope, there really is no way to confirm it, it's a love-hate kind of relationship) but as of late I've shifted my interest into JB EU where I've started to play a lot more on and have been meeting a lot of great people.
    It has been a fun ride with bumps here and there where I've made friends (and "enemies") and I hope I my love for TF2 lasts for years to come. Thank you to everyone who has befriended me and criticised, you've helped me become the person I am today and would have probably quit TF2 a long time ago if it wasn't for you <3
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
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  11. Spoke

    Spoke Member

    Sep 1, 2016
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    lmao danny nobody cares about you


    Jokes aside, in 2013 I used to belong to "=USE=" community. They had a server simmilar in how todays ach/idle works. A map without a objective or time limit simply to talk or fight with other regulars. They closed down though and i ended up on f-o-g.
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  12. hyoon

    hyoon ble ble ble Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I used to play on a server called UGL, only really played on ach/idle servers. UGL died at one point so i changed together with @Fames@Fames and @Drago@Drago and some other people from UGL to FoG. And thats how i ended up in this community.
  13. Ghost Rider

    Ghost Rider Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    I saw a video of tf2 SFM once on my phone and instant fell in love with the game. The day after i downloaded tf2 on my potato pc and since april 2014 i play tf2.

    But now to how i came on the server:
    Well i sort of came to this server through the yt'er Freddy210hill. He was so funny in jailbreak with rebelling etc, so i decided to check it out myself. Later that day i searched for jailbreak in the community tab and thats how i landed here around 3 years ago. The first person who i met and talked to was @Solid Snake@Solid Snake . We became friends and played almost everyday. Since then im the salty sheethed walkin around here.
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  14. Ducks Are People Too

    Ducks Are People Too Member

    Jun 19, 2015
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    So my story starts around 2014, I was a server hopper where I changed server every 2 days or so. Until I randomly joined FoGs unusual trading server, which has been removed (rip).

    I played there semi-regularly until I looked into the community, I looked what servers there were and noticed a gamemode I recognised from other servers, jailbreak. So I joined there with minimal understanding of the rules and played for a couple of days/weeks. That was when I noticed a player who now goes by the name shotgun, 3 things about him,

    1. He played there nearly everyday
    2. Everyone knew him
    3. Everyone liked him

    And because 13 year old depressed me didnt have any friends due to social anxiety, I immediately wanted to be like this player. So I began to waste my life there.

    Now I believe I have accomplished these qualities, you could argue about number 3 but eh, dont care.

    (And ye I know this is more of how I joined jb, but without it I wouldnt have stayed)
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  15. Pablo The Wizard

    Pablo The Wizard Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Full Disclaimer, I put way too much thought and effort in to this post.

    Gather about the fireplace children! image.gif
    This is the story of the well-known, disrespected, toxic, hated, annoying, bad haircutted, little piece of shit who goes by the name of Pablo. Pablos story begins on April the fourth 2013 a lovely afternoo... *Oh we're not doing that? Oh ok my bad*
    Alright so I got this game back in April 2013, I had that day been at my friends house who owned the game and I tried it out, I remember it like it was yesterday. I was playing spy and I remember that I found the Diamondback as a drop and got like really excited and told my friend> Holy shit look what I found! He just looked at me with shame and went to take a shit. Later that day when I came home I immediately went on my laptop (An old Toshiba Laptop running Windows 8) and downloaded steam. After steam was downloaded I started downloading tf2, since W8 was like brand new back then steam didn't quite work so I couldn't download the game. I had my aunts husband look at it since he worked with IT and he got it working, for some reason, I played offline practice with bots for like 1 year when I got the game, I remember that I put on Muppets Paradise on 2x speed and played scout on cp_george. After a full year of me playing offline I joined my first community server, I don't remember anything about that so let's skip those details, this was back in 2015 so I still had my shitty laptop. Eventually my laptop stopped working so during July to December that year I couldn't play tf2 . I eventually got a PC for Christmas and began paying tf2 again in the start of 2016.
    During 2016, (when tf2 still had quick play) I didn't join community servers until after March, I played on the servers that I got matched to and did my thing. When I started playing on community servers, I joined Jailbreak for the first time. Don't ask me why. This was on a community called The Outpost, I played there everyday for around 8 months until I got banned by the console which banned my account when I was playing at an Internet Cafe. After that I in December joined a community called BlackWonder, this community was really friendly and I enjoyed my stay. In April I joined fog to massfreekill but was met by cool people such as Ducks, Berend, Starfish, Hakon and Admynco who all three were admins back then. In June I got permanently banned from BlackWonder (for like the 3rd time, was unbanned again tho fuck if I know why) anyway, since that was my favorite community back then I was pretty upset so I decided to take out my rage on a Jailbreak server by freekilling until I got banned or bored, as you probably figured I went on f-o-g, and just as I was about to Freekill I was met with these nice people and this hilarious Finish guy, not you ax, the other one, and we had fun so I pretty much forgot about getting banned. Eventually after I got unbanned from BlackWonder (again) I became a regular there and both here on FoG, somebody on the BlackWonder forums even pointed out the fact that I was active on two communities. I was very inactive on the forums here , if I remember correctly I didn’t create a forum account until like in July, (*checking when I joined the forums*) nvm it was in June.)
    (Oh and I married Berend when me, him, Ghost, Ninja, Magic and potato were playing murderer, I even have screenshot proof so idc if he divorced me 2 hours after)
    So that's my story I guess.
  16. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    I am n0names son.

    There. Now it's out.
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  17. Pablo The Wizard

    Pablo The Wizard Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    I knew it
  18. ♡ pie ♡

    ♡ pie ♡ 死に生きる Legacy Admin

    Nov 11, 2017
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    I think I kinda entered this community out of spite towards my friend actually.

    He was a hardcore Overwatch fan and I was just starting to get into TF2. I would watch SFMs on Youtube, watch gameplays and videos about the mechanics of each character, and I just fell in love with the game. I later became a hardcore TF2 fan and started rubbing that in the face of my friend, pointing out the similarities and how the community is much better for my game rather than his. Eventually, after countless hours of watching dumb videos, I stumbled upon Freddy210hill (which seems to be the door for a lot of JB players I've met). I've always been one to find pleasure in being instructed and following through with orders, not really being one to tell others, and I spent a few good weeks hopping from server to server. None of them really caught my eye, and the few admins that I actually met weren't exactly the nicest. Later I found FoG and met a kid by the name of Tyler--he had a soft voice and a nice personality, and we even helped each other by being "co-wardens", though I never really became friends with him at the time. A few days later I saw him again on the same server (never remembered the name of the server, but it was coincidentally FoG), and we just became regulars from there. I would get online from the moment I got home to the moment I went to bed just to be with my friends and it was the best thing I could've ever done.

    When a freekiller was going at it during a round on space jail, people were freaking out and calling admins like crazy. Eventually, Korato had come on and boy did he intimidate the heck out of me. He handled the situation well, remained calm and respectable, and played away at his banjo as that annoying fly engineer (funniest thing at the time for me). I always thought that he was such a good admin, and immediately I went to the forums to check the requirements. I spent weeks on JB and met a lot of nice people--though I was a bit more quiet and shy at the time--and I later made my application the moment I had the chance. People were commenting on my application, which is where I met Solid, who literally petrified me when he asked to play with me (and even made me go warden aaAAAA). I knew this was the right community from the start.

    So here I am now c:
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  19. Moo_

    Moo_ me me me Legacy Admin

    Apr 16, 2016
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    When i got tf2 in 2013 I never played casual so the choice was community servers.
    I ended up becoming a 5bo plat tryhard for there dying mario server for around a year.
    Since that server died and I became a trader, I tried to find EU based server which lead me to the trade_rawr map (RIP).
    I probably became a regular on that server because of @Pudgey@Pudgey and @cetru@cetru since they are great people.
    Also met alot of good people there like shotgun and @Tri.@Tri. until that server died too.
    @Archaon Everchosen@Archaon Everchosen introduced me then to the Archievment/Idle server where I became a regular and met people.

    ??????????.ru : you fucking tryhard'
    ??????????.ru : fucking tryhard crazyappel

    I guess some things never change.
    Thats it.
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  20. dino

    dino get out of report Legacy Admin

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Really? I found freddy through jailbreak, not the other way around :v
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