Ban Appeal rules (READ THIS FIRST!)

Discussion in 'Bans (archive)' started by Yoda, Apr 18, 2018.

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  1. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Before creating a new appeal or posting into an existing one, please make sure you have read the following rules.
    Not doing so may result in infractions or even bans!

    If you are the appealer:
    • always have a proper reasoning why you should be unbanned (we hear the "it was my brother" excuse a lot)
    • link your alternative accounts that you have connected on our servers with
    • make sure to add all information that is asked of you
    • be polite - if you insult the admin that banned you, chances are that we will simply discard your appeal and possibly place a temporary ban on your forum account. It could have been a mistake
    • do not rush the appeal - always make sure to double check your appeal
    • be patient - ban appeals can take several days (or in some cases, even weeks) to get handled, simply because we have to make sure all evidence is present or a respective admin has a lot to do.
      If you start bumping your thread/nagging every hour, we will make sure to prioritize the report even lower.
    If you are a person replying to an appeal:
    • do not reply to an appeal unless you are:
      • an admin on the specified server
      • the appealing party
      • a witness that was online and wants to oppose the appeal (Although in this case, provide evidence, please)
    • refrain from adding some unnecessary things like the SR block or some evidence every admin can and probably will find by doing 1 minute of research
    • be as polite as possible. If you encounter an obvious troll report, simply don't reply to it and let the SM's/n0name/me handle it.
    Now that you've read the rules, here's the link to the ban appeal form.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
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  2. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    • link your alternative accounts that you have connected on our servers with
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