Declined jb_alpine suggestion (jailbreak map) (fix one)

Discussion in 'Suggestions (archive)' started by Forged Identity -m3lon-, Mar 12, 2018.


would you like to see this map on the fog jailbreak server rotations (for ny and eu)

  1. yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. no

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  1. Forged Identity -m3lon-

    Forged Identity -m3lon- Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    ok so its back. after a couple weeks of mapping I've come back with a newer version of jb_alpine the T.O.P (tower of peril game) where you get chased by a rock through mannco science themed level layouts now has an explanation at the start. obby has been made easier by slowing down the push of the fan; stairway to heaven now has an explanation about the way its invisible platforms work as well. deathrun now has an upper floor and 3 extra traps. A little bit more detailing has been done to the map (though unfortunately the lighting stays the same) lots of clipping has also been done to prevent map exploits from happening (believe me I've checked). and sweeper now spins about as fast as most other maps. in short the map has been fine tuned to a point where I think its acceptable for a release onto F.O.G EU and NY jailbreak servers. please remember if you are going to test this you need to move the sound files that come with the zip into your tf sound folders (found in steamapps in your file explorer) thanks for reading this huge chunk of text and I hope you will all be happier with this new version of jb_alpine! thanks for all of your support jb community I can't thank you enough. (you can look at the original forum post linked below)
    the map has a sweeper, T.O.P, obstacle course, arena pit, stairway to heaven and death run.

    Attached Files:

  2. Taco_cat12

    Taco_cat12 Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Like I said before I would like to get this map added, and the gamemode "T.O.P" seems very interesting and I would love to play it on the map. Also most of the bugs and glitches seem fixed, so I think that it is ready to be added to the map list. Cant wait to play this new map on the JB servers :3
  3. r3spawn |

    r3spawn | Member

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Finally an update. Good map in my opinion.
    P.S. I wasted 5 days trying to find one of his damn secrets xd.
    P.S. I've noticed people post some anime thing at the end of their post reply so here's my version
    Smoke is life. All praise lord Smoke.(Joke, please no rape )
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  4. Forged Identity -m3lon-

    Forged Identity -m3lon- Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    glad to know the secrets were worth putting effort into sorry about the time investment though lmao
  5. Faggot

    Faggot Lets make it happen! Legacy Management

    Oct 27, 2014
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    I dont really see that many improvements in the map

    Sweeper now turns way too fast instead of too slow
    Obby is still really annoying to do
    Steady Pace seems hard at first but once you know how the way actually goes its very easy
    Vs sentry seems too hard and the annoying trap is still there
    Deathrun is still glitched and the second floor doesn't really improve it overall that much
    Stairs still is the same
    Maybe also add some more minigames
    Sort the map and maybe make multiple roads through the map that would allow escaping or something
    You didnt really change anything on the look of the map and it still looks very bad, finding a theme for that seems rather impossible

    Feel free to keep updating the map but please refrain from making more suggestions before not improving the points mentioned above and the ones I posted on your old suggestion.

    Closing and moving
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