Rejected [Server Ban] Appeal - Big Birb

Discussion in 'Bans (archive)' started by Big Birb, Mar 1, 2018.

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  1. Big Birb

    Big Birb Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    SteamRep block

    What was your in-game name when you got banned?
    Big Birb

    When did it happen?

    What's the specified reason?
    Inappropriate Language

    Why do you think you should be unbanned?
    First of all, sorry if my english is a little bit bad. I was playing with a friend and i said 3 or 4 times:,, Heil Hitler! Möge der Sieg mit dir sein, Sieg Heil'' In Germany & Austria some clubs like football or whatever say Sieg Heil for wishing the team luck and so i wished my team luck. I know, that Heil Hitler is something that isnt allowed to say and I'm really sorry about that. My friend said that the admin who banned me (Maestro) later called me like ''retard'' or ''idiot''. If thats true, I want that we can talk about that situation again, because I know that saying Heil Hitler wasn't okay. I hope there's a second chance (I'm going to delete the bind now)
  2. Maestro

    Maestro Obnoxious shitkid Legacy Admin

    Aug 21, 2016
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    We have zero tolerance agains't Nazism over our servers, and you clearly violated agains't that rule. I warned you two times to stop. Yet you continued.
    I can also confirm that I called you a moron, which two other people agreed with, when spamming such binds.

    Second chances are given, but I'd suggest that you should expand your reasons as of why you deserve to be unbanned, "I'm removing my bind" isn't satisfying me enough to remove your ban.

    Good luck.
  3. Big Birb

    Big Birb Member

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Ok, i didn't notice that u wrote a warning, because at the beginning or whenever you wrote it i didn't notice the chat that much. but once i tapped acciedently (yes it was acciendentaly) the bind key and then i remembered that i had that bind because i wasnt playing tf now for a while. So I used the bind 4 times, idk why. But I promise that i'll never use this bind or write any offensive jokes / any harassments/ any insultings ever again. If you want you can clear all my stas or whatever, i just want to play on your servers again, and again I'm really sorry about using the bind
  4. Duchess

    Duchess Femme's bossy Sugar Lady Legacy Management

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Not a part of the TF2 community but I'd like to point something out.
    First of all:
    That looks a little bit more than "one accidental and then 4 times"
    tbh your chatlogs really aren't that bad aside from this but we take stuff like this seriously, just as Maestro says. Just thought I should pop this in here, just in case it's needed.
  5. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    As Duchess pointed out, this doesn't seem to be a one-time "mistake".
    Therefore, appeal denied.

    You may re-appeal in 3 months, given you stay clear until then (no ban bypass using alts, etc.)
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