Implemented Jailbreak Warday Rule Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions (archive)' started by Taco_cat12, Feb 10, 2018.


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  1. Taco_cat12

    Taco_cat12 Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Warday is an odd day for jailbreak in my opinion and it should be changed further so people dont take advantage of it. It just doesn't fit anywhere, and you can't even give out lr on this day. That what I will be talking about in this thread.

    The rule I want to be added is that "you can only do warday once every 4 days." This will be like the cellwars rule. With this we won't be completely removing warday. With this people who don't and do like warday can have a nice compromise.

    Now I would like to talk about the reason I want this rule to be implemented. The reason is should is because the blu team just uses warday to "point farm" and when there are 3 wardays in a row it can just break the jailbreak experience.

    I understand that some people still like warday but with this rule I think that it will make warday and jb in general more bearable. That's why this rule should be implemented.
  2. Retro

    Retro Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Hi everyone.
    I played Jailbreak on Counter Strike for a year or so (600 hours on one server alone), but may be I can give an idea anyway. Let me explain how Warday worked there. Rules specifically for warday said:
    Vocabulary: Riot = Warday, Ts = Reds and Cts = Blues
    -A Riot vote could be initiated by Ts only. Cts couldn't vote.
    -A "regular" Riot could only occur once every *eight* rounds. *= Number has been changed back and forth
    -A "revenge" Riot was possible after an intentional Freekill only.
    -Cts didn't get any XP (= "score points") during a "revenge" Riot.
    -Cts weren't allowed to be outside of the Riotzone after the Riot officially started.
    -Riot officially started 30 seconds after the round started.
    -No one was allowed to shoot one single bullet before the Riot offically started.
    -It was forbidden to harm Cts before the Riot officially started.
    -Ts weren't allowed to enter the Riotzone before the Riot offically started.
    -If Ts or Cts didn't participate actively they would be warned once.
    -Cts were allowed to camp.
    -Ts weren't allowed to camp.
    That is all, what I can think of right now. I obviously don't know if it all makes sense for Team Fortress 2, but... I tried :D If there are any questions, feel free to ask! :) Otherwise I will just leave you alone for now, cause Team Fortress 2 is truely not my domain at all.
    A wonderful day to everyone.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2018
  3. Ducks Are People Too

    Ducks Are People Too Member

    Jun 19, 2015
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    I think it would be better if the warden would have to ask the reds if they want a warday. Because warday isnt like cellwars, some people actually like it. And if people wanted to play warday multiple times ( for example when waiting for more players ), this rule would force the blus to make boring filler rounds.

    I cant come up with more reasons atm but I hope I got my point across.
  4. Snake

    Snake Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAKE?!?!?!? Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Aight so the weird thing is that in NY, warday is getting overused. This was never a problem in EU. Even I have experienced this on the NY server. I’d rather lean towards “you may only do 2 consecutive wardays” or something like that. Let me explain why.
    I think once every 4 rounds is overkill since warday is actually a reliable day to give out lr’s for example. (Last round lr got denied or accidently freekilled before lr was given etc.)
    It’s easier to do that than having a 12-minute long freeday.

    I very much like Retro’s reply, however this is indeed tf2 we’re talking about. The only things I could get out of this was:
    ^Same for Ducks.
    Personally I’m not a big fan of starting a vote. Even though I’m guilty of doing this myself. I think it’s a bad way to decide an agreement with people who like and don’t like warday (I do start votes on Firstday Freedays to prevent long waiting times for everyone). Furthermore, I think reduces the amount of wardays could indeed be the perfect solution (instead of 3 consecutive rounds, make it 2 consecutive rounds)

    TL;DR I think the right solution is to reduce the amount of consecutive days a warday can appear from 3 to 2.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  5. Faggot

    Faggot Lets make it happen! Legacy Management

    Oct 27, 2014
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    I will add/change rules to the following:

    -You may only do one warday every map, unless a lr asks for another warday

    Closing and moving
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