Rejected JB Server Issues

Discussion in 'Report a problem (archive)' started by sn0t, Dec 31, 2017.

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  1. sn0t

    sn0t Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    so its come to my attention that with 1 US admin and 3 EU admins, jailbreak can be hard to moderate. i've become a bit of a regular in the past week or so, and there are pretty frequent issues with rulebreaking. attached are two demos showing the behaviour of some people who joined to break rules (mass freekill, racial slurs) and a regular (craftygarrett) who actively participates in such activity.

    while i understand the coming and going of randoms who seek to ruin everyone's fun, its hard for the rest of the server to do anything to stop them (or regulars like garrett).

    in chat, you can see people trying to votekick/voteban the perpetrators, but to no avail. the votekick/ban system is extremely broken in that its hard to see whats going on in chat a majority of the time, the requirements to successfully get something to happen are extremely high (more than 5-10 votes?), and the lack of any sort of player protection allows the issue to persist indefinitely.

    can the votekick be reduced to somewhere between 5-10 votes, and the voteban be reduced to 10-15 votes? its currently a dynamic thing where the more people there are, the more people are needed to resolve the vote. having more admins for the server would be nice too.
  2. Taco_cat12

    Taco_cat12 Member

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I completely agree. There is just not enough admins to handle the U.S. server with all these freekillers, and spammers joining the game. And a big problem is since roddy is the only admin that goes on us frequently, once she leaves the server, all hell breaks loose.
  3. ♡ pie ♡

    ♡ pie ♡ 死に生きる Legacy Admin

    Nov 11, 2017
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    Thing is, people might end up abusing the voteban/kick system (as I've already seen far too many times) and ban/kick the wrong person or someone who was in the right (i.e Pablo when people try to ban him despite his rule-following and strictness on the server). Definitely there is a shortage of staff directed towards Jailbreak, but we can't force someone to be an admin nor can we always find time to tend to it, especially considering time zones and other outside influences. Basically we would have to wait for other people to apply (and I know some who already have it in mind but are simply putting back their admin applications) and continue with the current admins we have. Personally, I would not want to lower the kick/ban that much because I know for a fact people will use that to their advantage or accidentally abuse it, but instead why not try to see if others are willing to apply if they are eligible?
  4. sn0t

    sn0t Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    while i do see how votebans/kicks can be exploitable, i still do feel they need to be reworked. at least as it is now, with the dynamic requirements its harder to deal with problems as they come. currently, if there are something like 25 people on the server, the votes would require something like 20 of the people to vote yes. if the requirement was lowered from 80% (or whatever it is) of the population to something more manageable like 60%, i feel like the community would have a better means of dealing with issues.

    also, are us normies allowed to vote for admins? give 'em a good rec or something?
  5. sn0t

    sn0t Member

    Dec 30, 2017
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    not to necrobump or anything, but we just recently had an incident with a hacker. even with coordinated and constant please from people on mics to !votekick and !voteban, the vote tally stayed at 11/19.

    would it be possible to use a different type of menu to help with this votekick thing? i've attached some pictures showing proposed menu types that could help alleviate the main issue with the current votesystem, visibility.

    currently, whenever people try to vote on anything, there would be things going on in chat (server messages, people talking, "oof"). This makes it near impossible to notice a vote going on, thereby making it hard for people to realize whats going on/how they can contribute. using a menu like the source menu used for map change selection or a modified version of the one valve has (f1/f2 to vote in the big gray box) would most likely solve this, as the map change vote tends to get nearly 10 votes within seconds.

    ps i am an artist

    Attached Files:

  6. Snake

    Snake Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAKE?!?!?!? Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    I don't think this is as much of an issue. Admins are far more reliable than the voting system. Decreasing the ammount of votes can lead to voteabuse. A prime example for this is Pablo The Wizard. When he joined NY for the first time he almost got votebanned for simply knowing the rules. Also when I look into Sourcebans I see that votebans are pretty common (most of these are jailbreak). Knipsel.PNG
    ( have been banned&advType=reason)
    In my opinion the voteban system is fine. If the so called player can not be banned via voteban, you can always contact me or use !report. In short I don't really want the voteban getting abused. It happened before so don't want to take the risk.

    By adding this the player can be almost guaranteed to get banned. Which means it can be used on anyone. Most players won't even bother to read the menu and will press f1 anyway. You may have noticed that sometimes I do votes in the server which looks like this:
    1) What
    2) Yes
    3) No.
    This is to prevent people who just vote 1 anyway just to get the menu out of their face. So I don't think that system is reliable at all. Would like to hear other opinions about this because the thread does indeed have potential. I just don't think this is the right solution.
  7. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Nothing more to add to @Solid Snake@Solid Snake's reply.
    Lowering the vote requirement for votes where the targetted player is affected for a longer term (such as voteban) could lead into them not coming back anymore.
    Now considering that a lot of people simply press 1 without thinking, the potential for abuse is quite high.

    The only real solution here is getting more admins. If you know anyone who is willing to / capable of administration, please tell them to apply.
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