SynchronizedMurders [FoG]
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Oct 23, 2015
Aug 13, 2013
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Under your bed

SynchronizedMurders [FoG]

Member, from Under your bed

SynchronizedMurders [FoG] was last seen:
Oct 23, 2015
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    Under your bed


    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Seems like my amusement will now end
    <Downy> I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Oh my downy is here
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> So fashionable and practical
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> I freaking love bow ties.
    <Taco> This is clearly a waste of my time.
    <Downie> I KNOW RIGHT
    <Bunnie_Lord> BOW TIES ARE COOL!
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> I am rather well informed, that you are insulting me lad. Would not be having this convercation with you, if you weren't that amusing
    <Taco> But clearly, you're not intelligent enough to read.
    <Taco> If you'd scroll down you'd see i already insulted you.
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Ohh, darnit man? At a loss of words and arguments, so you resort in insults? Oh my oh my
    <Taco> Then you'd make my day.
    <Taco> Do me a favor and fuck off.
    <Taco> Fuck you, cunt.
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Please? Fak off downi, I'm having a serous convercation here
    <Taco> Prickface
    <Taco> Just fuck off
    <Downie> gais pls
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Am I? Oh snap!
    <Taco> How is this even funny? You're trying to offend me.
    <Taco> Fuck off.
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> --> inbound admin report<3
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Hahhahaa. You made my day lad. Thanks
    <Taco> Fuck you, seriously.
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Get baited. Get so freaking bloody baited lad.
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> You are bloody free to take a look at the posts I make. They dun't lie on forums games, unlike certain someones.
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> "But when the heck has symch made a post that was revelant?"
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> Hahahahha baiting people is so easy
    <SynchronizedMurders [FoG]> "Synch is literally trying to offend me"
    <Downie> Some servers still have their powers
    <Downie> Not all the servers cheat.
    <Taco> All i said was "You're late."
    <Taco> Why me?
    <cheatnow> so downie are all admin permissions messed up?
    <Downie> We are talking about you now. Not about synch
    <Taco> He's literally trying to offend me.
    <Taco> But when the heck has symch made a post that was revelant?
    <Downie> And now lets take a look at the other 1200 posts you made
    <Downie> You feel offended. So you search for posts that are relevant
    <Taco> Was that revelant, yes or no?
    <Downie> Taco. It's true
    <Of Skrillmau5 & Men> Get memed kid
    <Of Skrillmau5 & Men> u fok'n w0t m8
    <Taco> Oh wow, fuck you too Synch.
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