SteamRep block | steamname: LKT | steam3ID: [U:1:32687454] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:16343727 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What was your in-game name when you got banned? LKT When did it happen? 8th of February 2017 What's the specified reason? Nazism Why do you think you should be unbanned? Said this after discussion in in-game voip. Can't remember the specific discussion. Yeah I know it's wrong, but I have that kind of "sense of humour". I wouldn't have thought that it would lead to permanent ban; day or two ban atleast, but yeah. E. Grammar; typo Should've read the rules or use common sense then. I know thats hard to come by these days. @SpaveN evidence please.
I will provide the evidence later today, I'll just add now directly, I have evidence of you expressing yourself this way, "To the germans, sieg heil" or something very similar to that. Since you're even ranked with a few hours playtime on fog you should know about the zero nazism tolerance. Also, there was no discussion ongoing when you did the statement, it was fully unprovoked. Again, the video evidence will be posted here within a few hours once I'm home from work, just adding my side to the story.
As you mentioned I remember "discussion" going about "Server language policies" or something like that. I wasn't that aware that it would be zero tolerance policy as of that I wouldn't have said a word.
Ignorance is not an excuse. Randomly shouting racist things into the mic is a no go, as you should know, especially if it's phrases like "Sieg Heil". As I said, "Germans, sieg heil". (( Ignore me roasting myself.))