Archived Ban Appeal - pryzzee

Discussion in 'Bans (archive)' started by pryzzEE, Dec 25, 2016.

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  1. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    What was your in-game name when you got banned?

    When did it happen?

    What's the specified reason?

    Why do you think you should be unbanned?
    I quit the bhop server a long time ago, as I came back to join I was banned and looked up the reason for me being banned and I dont know why as I dont script and as I dont script I dont know why I have been banned.
    But there are many theories why i COULD be banned!
    The first one is: I have played a matchmaking with massta and I was pretty drunk and I was playing on a smurf and the enemies cheated so Ive downloaded a hack and raged the game.
    This is a theory I dont have massta in my friendslist anymore for some odd reason.
    The second theory is : My stats, many of my stats were bugged and some of them weren´t and I´ve contacted massta about this issue and he said he didnt know and as much as I know if there are 0 strafes or 100% hit rate on legit the person that made this record might be scripting .
    If I did something on the server, what is not allowed for anyone please tell me about, but you can ask the majority of the most active players on the server that I am legit player and I was always nice to the community and guiding new players how to bunny hop.

    sincere greetings,
  2. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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  3. n0name

    n0name Administrator

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  4. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    That means? D;
  5. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    That we are going to wait for Massta to state his oppinion here. He was the one requesting your ban after all.

  6. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Soo.. Yeah.
    • "I dont script" - That's a lie. Finishing bhop_cobblestone_csgo with 1.7k+ strafes at almost auto-sr time on legit (!) is not possible without scripts.
    • "I dont know why I could have been banned" - That's a lie.
    • We did play matchmaking, I do not know if you were drunk, BUT:
    • The enemies were not cheating
    • You had the hack beforehand, since you announced in TS that you were going to use it. I though that was a joke
    • I'm not on your list anymore because I deleted you, and I told all mutual friends what you did, so most of them deleted you as well
    • The stats are indeed bugged, but only the sync percentage. The strafecount is not bugged.
    • We did have a good time on bhop, but that does not weight out what you did to get the sr on cobble and possible other maps
    • The fact that you cheated in mm with me did not get you banned, it was just additional salt

    Conclusion, stay banned, forever.
    I hate cheaters with a passion.

    The fact that you even try to put your cheating as "ragehacks" away after pulling statements such as "It's so easy to cheat in csgo without getting caught", "You can get cheats ANYWHERE" etc. is actually annoying me a bit
  7. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Why don't you just use this account to play? I mean, only your main SteamID is on the ban list.. Oh wait..
  8. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    So first off all: I dont know if I announced I that I am going to use cheats because I was drunken and the cobblestone record is neither scripted and it wouldnt make any context to the day we played together a matchmaking since it is one of my oldest records I had on the server.
    So second of all: You spectated me on most of my records, I don´t know if the cobblerecord is included, and if I really used scripts it must have been obvious.
    Third: A autostrafer can´t produce a high amount of strafes since they move a small amount so they can do alot of strafes, if the strafes were made bigger so they are going to be recognized ud have to lower the amount by alot. The reason you have to use a small distance to move is because the velocity of the strafes shouldnt be too high, since otherwise the game wont recognize it as a strafe.
    As Fourth point: The account you showed there is mine, but I have sold it off several times on / leakforums etc. and I did almost not play on it.
    Im sorry if I made the impression I used scripts but to tell you the truth even the legit mode is bugged since you can complete legit runs at almost the same time as autohop runs, because most of the time the server would let you gain speed dispite not hitting the jump - as a result with good strafing and hyperscrolling you are able to achieve high speed for legit. The bug isnt always there but I dont know how my tries it took me to get almost a perfect time on cobble.

    My sincere apologies if caused too much trouble and my reasoning doesnt sound logical to you.

    And the main reason for me not being on the bhop server was not the ban it was actually .I started to get wrist and finger pains from autohopping and quit playing alltogether so my hand could recover

    And many people on the server especially the people that spend much time on the server can aprove that my records are legit
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2016
  9. Faggot

    Faggot Lets make it happen! Legacy Management

    Oct 27, 2014
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    Please edit your messages instead of posting new ones, there's about 3 messages you could have avoided by simply editing your posts

    Also I don't play on bunnyhop servers neither do I know how to bunnyhop but how would any person be able to judge if your bunnyhops are just insanely good or scripted? I mean they can't see your keyboard so it could also just be you pressing no buttons at all(As I said I do not bunnyhop so I don't know if there is any way to tell so please correct me if I'm wrong)
  10. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    We can drop the mm-cheat discussions as they are not part of this matter. Just keep in mind that I see your bullshit excuses.
    If you can get 900 average speed in your legit runs you should probably go to css and become the new star for sourcejump, since their players (the world's elite) don't manage to reach such a high level.
    All jokes aside, it's more likely to win the lottery 10x in a row than to go 35 seconds without a single speeddrop on legit, even on servers where it's "easy" to do legit.
    I researched autostrafers and wrote my own and what you say is wrong.
    I'm sure other people can approve your runs were legit since some of them (probably) were, but definitely not that one. I check run-stats all the time and it was way out of proportion from your normal performance.

    Well, I don't want to come off as rude, but maybe you should not state an opinion about a topic you admittedly know nothing about. As I said, there is a chance, albeit being extremely low, for the hops to be legit. But the strafes 100% aren't. Your bones would probably burst if your muscles attempted to go back and forth with your hand 1700x in about half a minute.
    This is what an autostrafer looks like, in case you're interested

    I stand by my point.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
  11. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

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  12. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    @Massta@Massta Maybe you didnt know I was playing on Sourcejumps while I was playing CSS and no I am even bad compared to their pros since I have neither their consitency, but to tell you the truth about autostrafers:
    First off all there is a limit to the velocity a strafe in the source engine can reach: .---> you can try it out yourself go onto the server and try to strafe as fast as you can and you will notice the faster you go the less speed or close to none will be gained.
    Second off all: Im sorry but maybe I expressed it wrong ---> You can go as fast as in Auto on f-o-g otherwise even with a bhopscript you wouldnt be able to get such insane speeds since even a bhop script has to send -jump to the server and every hop would have a 50/50 chance to hit.
    Research a bit more before you try to talk so highly without knowing shit about it.
    Edit: You can ask other people that watched me during the run as well that I didnt use autostrafer--- if I remember Bunny was on the server, as well as notonix
    Edit: The autostrafer you showed isnt a real one aswell --> real ones do strafes between 1-2 pixels and if I used that one the average speed of my run would be way above 1000
    Edit: This is what a real autostrafer looks like :
    Edit: And here is a little link to back up what I just told you about the 50/50 chance to hit a hop. I dont want to start a war but discussion is just going result into the fact that I didnt use scripts and the server is bugged. - this comment is from forest one of the best bunnyhopper that ever existed.
    Another thing: How are many other people getting such insane times on legit for example Sav or other people in the top 10 if it were really that hard on f-o-g many of the casual players should switch to globalhops or source hops.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
  13. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Lol. Good then that I didn't learn anything new today when I read your post, seems like I did my homework.

    About the other people, one of those "other people" actually reported you to me. I just wasn't available at that time.

    @n0name@n0name, do you know of any plugins/settings that ease-up legit bhopping?

    So you decide now what's a real autostrafer and what's not one. I mean, the one I wrote that consistently gained me speed up to 1.5k u/s probably was a fake one then.
    I also really don't know where you're getting at with all those hop-speed excuses. Like I said, there is chance, and maybe fog even has a bug/setting or whatever that allows hops to be hit more consistently. It's the 1.7k strafes that you can't explain.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  14. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    It is not like I am making excuses it is just that the server is in many ways bugged since I couldnt use autohop/sideways or any of the othermodes correctly as it should be and I dont want to prove my knowlegde about bhopping here it is just that I didnt use scripts because my account itself has too much value, and the time I spent on the bhop server has too much value to lose on a false claim of scripting. I didnt wanna sound rude to you or any admin! It is just with the stats you provide and the time it doesnt match up with the time either way the time must have been way higher or way lower if I used scripts. And I hope you can get along with a drunken "cheater" like me in the future.

    Isnt there any option for you to get the demo of those "scripted" runs, looking at those it would be clear that they couldnt be scripted?
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  15. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Right now, the stats stand against you.
    I will talk to decent legit hoppers and ask them about the hopping "bug"/misconfiguration, and investigate if there are other cases of false strafecounts when I have more time.
    Afaik only the auto style gets recorded.
  16. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    Ok, then so be it, thanks for your understanding and taking time
  17. Chefkoch JJ

    Chefkoch JJ :] Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Please do not attempt to reconnect with alt accounts as that is ban evasion thanks @Venom@Venom
    Banned until further investigations are done.

    To keep everyone updated: There seems to be an actual problem with the legit style, though I couldn't quite see its full extent yet. That does NOT explain the high strafecount.
  18. pryzzEE

    pryzzEE Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    But it explains the speed I reached, even though I couldnt show you the full extend since I am not used to hyperscroll anymore and I didnt have mwheelup binded, it should have shown you that with an autostrafer I would have reached a far better time. If I failed the run on cobblestone the time would be higher and the average speed of mine would have dropped significantly.
    And if you look at some of my other times, the strafecount is also high but the times are bad even though the run was completed perfectly
    Another thing I wanted to say is: 10 Times in a row only seems that much because I only take the best runs to finish, that is why even though my points were in the top 10 but my time spent was way higher.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2016
  19. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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